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Naches River BNSF Railroad Bridge
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0 Miles (0 Kilometers)

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Railroad (BNSF) Over Naches River in Yakima and Selah: Yakima County, Washington, United States
Metal 6 Panel Pin-Connected Pratt Through Truss, Fixed and Approach Spans: Metal Through Girder, Fixed
Length: 366 ft. Main Span: 150 ft. Main Spans: 1
Built 1911 By: Unknown
Yakima Valley Trolley Bridge
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0 Miles (0 Kilometers)

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Railroad (Yakima Valley Trolley Line) Over Naches River in Yakima and Selah: Yakima County, Washington, United States
Metal 5 Panel Pin-Connected Pegram Through Truss, Fixed and Approach Spans: Wood Stringer (Multi-Beam), Fixed
Length: 324 ft. Main Span: 150 ft. Main Spans: 2
Built 1895 By: Unknown and George Herndon Pegram
I-82 Westbound Yakima River Bridge
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0.3 Miles (0.5 Kilometers)

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I-82 Westbound (US-97) Over Yakima River in Selah: Yakima County, Washington, United States
Metal 10 Panel Rivet-Connected Pennsylvania Through Truss, Fixed and Approach Spans: Concrete T-Beam, Fixed
Length: 317 ft. Main Span: 223 ft. Roadway: 36 ft. Main Spans: 1
Built 1932 By: Hofius Steel and Equipment Company and Washington Department of Highways
I-82 Westbound Naches River Bridge
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0.3 Miles (0.5 Kilometers)

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I-82 Westbound (US-97) Over Naches River in Selah: Yakima County, Washington, United States
Metal 9 Panel Rivet-Connected Parker Through Truss, Fixed and Approach Spans: Concrete T-Beam, Fixed
Length: 276 ft. Main Span: 180 ft. Roadway: 36 ft. Main Spans: 1
Built 1932 By: D. Nygren and Washington Department of Highways

Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S  - Dismantled and/or in storage. L -  Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.





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