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Petőfi híd (Petőfi Bridge)
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0 Miles (0 Kilometers)

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Ferenc körút (Nagykörút) and Irinyi József utca Over Danube River (Duna) in Budapest: Pest County, Central Hungary (Pest megye, Magyarország), Hungary (Magyarország)
Metal Continuous 26 Panel Rivet-Connected Warren Deck Truss, Fixed and Approach Spans: Metal Stringer (Multi-Beam), Fixed
Length: 1,240 ft. Main Span: 505 ft. Main Spans: 3
Built 1937 By: Hungarian Royal State Iron, Steel and Machine Factory of Budapest, Hungary and Álgyai Hubert Pál
Szabadság híd (Liberty Bridge)
Franz Joseph Bridge (Ferenc József híd), Fővám téri híd
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 0.7 Miles (1.1 Kilometers)

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Kelenhegyi út and Vámház körút Over Danube River (Duna) in Budapest: Pest County, Central Hungary (Pest megye, Magyarország), Hungary (Magyarország)
Metal Cantilever Rivet-Connected Pratt Through Truss, Fixed
Length: 1,095 ft. Main Span: 560 ft. Roadway: 66 ft. Main Spans: 3
Built 1896 By: Hungarian Royal State Iron, Steel and Machine Factory of Budapest, Hungary and János Feketeházy and Szántó Albert
Erzsébet híd (Elisabeth Bridge)
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 1.2 Miles (1.9 Kilometers)

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Szabad sajtó út Over Danube River (Duna) in Budapest: Pest County, Central Hungary (Pest megye, Magyarország), Hungary (Magyarország)
Metal Plate Girder Stiffening Wire Cable Suspension, Fixed and Approach Spans: Metal Stringer (Multi-Beam), Fixed
Length: 1,242 ft. Main Span: 951 ft. Main Spans: 1
Built 1964 By: Ganz–MÁVAG and Sávoly Pál
Széchenyi lánchíd (Chain Bridge)
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 1.7 Miles (2.8 Kilometers)

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Alagút út Over Danube River (Duna) in Budapest: Pest County, Central Hungary (Pest megye, Magyarország), Hungary (Magyarország)
Metal Pony Truss Stiffening Eyebar Chain Suspension, Fixed
Length: 1,230 ft. Main Span: 663 ft. Main Spans: 3
Built 1849 By: Adam Clark and William Tierney Clark
Margit híd (Margaret Bridge)
HSRNational HSR. Local HSR.

Rough Distance: 2.5 Miles (4.1 Kilometers)

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Szent István körút (Nagykörút) and Margit körút Over Danube River (Duna) in Budapest: Pest County, Central Hungary (Pest megye, Magyarország), Hungary (Magyarország)
Metal Two-Hinged Solid Ribbed Spandrel Braced Deck Arch, Fixed and Approach Spans: Metal Stringer (Multi-Beam), Fixed
Length: 1,993 ft. Main Span: 288 ft. Roadway: 36.3 ft. Main Spans: 6
Built 1876 By: and Ernest Goüin and Société de Construction des Batignolles

Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S  - Dismantled and/or in storage. L -  Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.





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