Bridge Type
Main Span(s): Steel [3] Stringer/Multi-beam or girder [02]
Approach Span(s): Other [00]
Deck: Concrete Cast-in-Place [1] with Wearing Surface: Bituminous [6]
Bridge Dimensions
Length: 9.1 m = 29.9 ft
Main Spans: 1 at 9.1 m = 29.9 ft
Approach Spans: 0
Skew: 0
Width, Roadway: 5.1 m = 16.7 ft (2 Lanes) and Out-To-Out: 5.1 m = 16.7 ft for a 4.3 m = 14.1 ft approaching roadway.
Vertical Clearance: 99.99 m = 328.1 ft and Navigational Clearance: 0 = N/A
Washington [77272]: Cedar County [039], Missouri [29]
Owned by County Highway Agency [02], DOT District: 6
S 21 T 35 N R 26 W
Deck: Satisfactory [6]
Superstructure: Satisfactory [6]
Substructure: Satisfactory [6]
Operating: 27.9 metric ton = 30.7 tons (Load Factor(LF) [1])
Inventory: 17.1 metric ton = 18.8 tons (Load Factor(LF) [1])
Structural: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is [5]
Deck Geometry: Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrrective action [3]
Road Alignment: Equal to present minimum criteria [6]
Waterway: Equal to present minimum criteria [6] and Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour condition. [5]
Date: December 2020 [1220] and Frequency: 24
Future Work
Work Needed: Bridge rehabilitation because of general structure deterioration or inadequate strength. [35]
Bridge Detour: 0.6 km = 0.4 mi
ADT: 75 (2020) and Trucks: 10%
Future ADT: 94 (In 2040