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Market Street Bridge

Market Street Bridge

Primary Photographer(s): Nathan Holth

Bridge Documented: August 24, 2019

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Facility Carried / Feature Intersected
Market Street Over Tuscarawas River
Canal Fulton: Stark County, Ohio: United States
Construction Date and Builder / Engineer
1900 By Builder/Contractor: T. H. Watson Construction
Rehabilitation Date
Main Span Length
45.0 Feet (13.7 Meters)
Structure Length
126.0 Feet (38.4 Meters)
Roadway Width
25.6 Feet (7.8 Meters)
3 Main Span(s)
Inventory Number

Historic Significance Rating (HSR)
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Bridge Documentation

This attractive stone arch bridge is located in the heart of Canal Fulton. The original stone railing remains on one side of the bridge, while the other side has a concrete barrier and a sidewalk with modern railing, but with a cast iron end post that may be from part of the original railing.

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Information and Findings From Ohio's Historic Bridge Inventory


The bridge carries a 2 lane street and sidewalk over the stream in Canal Fulton. According to ODOT data, the bridge is in the Canal Fulton HD (NR 1982). The bridge is contributing to the district because it falls within the 1825-1949 period of significance.

Physical Description

The 3 span, 126'-long, stone arch bridge has ashlar parapet (one side only), spandrel walls and arch rings. A sidewalk has been added to one side with metal panel railing and safety-shape barrier (2001). Canal Fulton HD. Rehabilitated 2000. PID 20447. Bridge award 2001. Excellent condition. Railing has been hit by vehicle and stones need repaired. Field checked on 7/10/06.


Rehabilitated in 2001 with the addition of a sidewalk to one side.

Summary of Significance

A sidewalk and railing have been added to one elevation as part of a 2001 rehabilitation project that was found to have no adverse effect. The bridge retains its original appearance from the other elevation and retains sufficient integrity to convey its technological significance. The bridge is a contributing resource in the Canal Fulton HD (NR 1982).

Stone arch highway bridges and culverts are not uncommon in Ohio with more than 190 examples dating from ca. 1825 to 1940 (Phase 1A Survey, 2008). Significant examples date to the 2nd quarter of the 19th century (fewer than 26 pre-1851) and are often associated with historically important transportation routes such as the National Road and the state's early canals or railroads. Later examples may have significance on the merits of the aesthetic quality/craftsmanship of the masonry work or in association with parks, such as the stone arch bridges in Cleveland's Rockefeller Park (ca. 1897-1904) or Youngstown's Mill Creek Park (ca. 1913). Stone arch culverts have roadways on earth fill atop the arch, which may or may not have headwalls, but they are the same traditional technology as arch bridges that have spandrel walls and parapets.

"The immigrants who settled America came from European countries where masonry arch bridge construction was well established. Our most distinctive collection of stone arch bridges are found on the early, eastern trunkline railroads such as the B&O and Erie railroads. Early turnpikes such as the National Road had impressive stone arch bridges in Maryland. Along the road in Ohio, the famous S-bridges were built. Canals such as the Erie and the Chesapeake & Ohio had stone arch aqueducts. The technology of stone arch construction is ancient. Increased use of metal truss bridges from the late 1800s into the early twentieth century, led to a decline in stone arch bridge construction. The strength and durability of stone arch bridges made them popular. Generally, stone arch bridges built during the nineteenth century are found today in areas where good stone was available. Stone arches were common in the first half of the nineteenth century, and a number of these structures still exist. Stone arch bridges from the late eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century are highly significant if they retain their character-defining features, which include the arch ring with keystone, barrel, spandrel wall, parapet, headwalls and abutments/wingwalls. Piers may also be a character-defining feature. Many of these stone arch structures possess both engineering and historical significance for their associations with the work programs of the Great 1930s. Stone arch bridges that do not fit within these areas (early, Depression-era, association with parks) generally possess less significance, but are still significant." [From: A Context for Common Historic Bridge Types by Parsons Brinckerhoff, October 2005]


A well represented bridge type throughout the state for both bridges and culverts, stone arch bridges date from the mid 1830s and the building of the National Road through Belmont Co. Many are superbly proportioned and constructed by local contractors. They were built through World War I, particularly during the later years in park settings. More than 125 examples remain. This example has moderate significance based on its date of construction, detailing, and historic contexts).

Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes


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