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This bridge was built in 1958 to form a one-way couplet with what was at the time a historic truss bridge and today is an ugly modern bridge. The former eastbound bridge was a multi-span 1914 truss bridge that featured both Parker and Pennsylvania truss spans. This bridge would continue to be used after the road was divided, serving the eastbound lanes, until 1990 when it was sadly demolished and replaced despite its historic significance. The HAER documentation above refers to the former historic truss bridge that once carried eastbound US-50. Today, only the 1958 truss bridge remains. It is an example of a standard Ohio state truss bridge. Built in 1958, it is a late example of a state-designed truss bridge, but is similar in appearance to earlier examples. Ohio's state-designed truss bridges are noted for a somewhat plain appearance, since the state chose rolled beams over riveted built-up beams for many members.
A railroad truss bridge is next to the highway bridges. There also was reportedly yet another truss bridge at this location, a truss bridge that preceded the 1914 bridge and was located on old highway alignment, but this bridge is long gone today.
Information and Findings From Ohio's Historic Bridge InventorySetting/Context The bridge carries 2 lanes of 1 directional traffic over a stream and a private drive. A parallel, steel stringer bridge built at a later date carries the opposite direction of traffic. There is a railroad to the south of the dualized highway. Physical Description The 4-span, 893'-long and nearly 41'-wide bridge supported on concrete abutments and piers with bullnosing is composed of 4, approximately 123' long riveted, Parker thru truss spans with rolled section web members. The end posts and upper chords are traditionally composed, built up box sections, and the lower chords are parallel bands of plate with I section stiffeners. All panel point connections are at the gusset plates, and the rolled section floorbeams are located above the lower chords. The bridge appears to be complete. Summary of Significance The 4 -span, Parker thru truss bridge was built in 1959 by the state highway department. It is a late example of what was by 1959 a very common bridge type and design. The bridge is traditionally composed and exhibits no innovative or distinctive details. Because it is a common solution to a long-span crossing, neither the bridge nor its contexts are historically or technologically significant. It is representative of a bridge type and design as well as methods of fabrication that had been used for span lengths greater than 100' since the last quarter of the 19th century. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: No |
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