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This rare wrought iron bowstring truss bridge was relocated and restored at the Crosby Township Senior Center. The bridge retains good historic integrity. The railing on the bridge is not original but is a new railing designed to meet modern code for railing while also retaining the look of the original railing. The original railing was mostly missing from the bridge when it was moved in 2006.
Information and Findings From Ohio's Historic Bridge InventorySetting/Context The bridge carries a bike path/trail over another bike path/trail at the Crosby Township Senior Center. It was relocated here in 2007 from Oxford Road over Howards Creek, Hamilton County. Physical Description The 1 span, wrought-iron, bowstring pony truss bridge has built-up lattice arch chord, bar lower chord, and rod diagonals. Integrity Relocated in 2007. Summary of Significance The bridge is a rare and technologically significant Massillon Bridge Co. bowstring truss dating from ca. 1870. It was relocated in 2007 and rehabilitated with no adverse effect. The eligible recommendation of the prior inventory remains appropriate. Bowstring trusses are characterized by arched top chords and a trussed or lattice web. They rank among the rarest and most technologically significant of 19th-century metal truss designs since they appeared early in the evolution of iron bridge development and were almost always based on the patents or proprietary designs of bridge builders and engineers. The progenitor of the form was the famed engineer Squire Whipple of New York, who built the first example in 1840 over the Erie Canal at Utica. After the Civil War, Ohio was a center for the development of the bowstring with its concentration of metal bridge-building companies. Companies such Wrought Iron Bridge, Champion Bridge, Massillon Bridge, and King Iron Bridge built their reputations on successful bowstring designs with a dizzying number of variant ways of forming and connecting the truss members. The companies emerged in time to fill the burgeoning demand for an economical, prefabricated bridge for use on American roads. Bowstring trusses thus document this exceptionally inventive and technologically significant period in the development of American metal trusses from the 1860s to early 1880s. The ODOT inventory has identified 22 surviving examples dating from ca. 1864 to 1880 (Phase 1A, 2008). Justification The bridge is one of the 22 extant bowstring truss bridges that survive in the state. Having so many is remarkable, and even though they are "common" based on their numbers, each is an important and irreplaceable record of the development of the metal truss bridge and the ingenuity associated with the Ohio industrial development. The bridge has high significance. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes |
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