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A King Bridge Company through truss was relocated from 7th Street to 4th Street where it replaced this less significant pony truss. This certainly was an unusual form of preservation, but better than scrapping out both bridges.
Information and Findings From Pennsylvania's Historic Bridge InventoryDiscussion of Bridge The ca. 1910, single span, 62'-long, Warren with verticals pony truss bridge is supported on concrete abutments encased in concrete walls that channelize the stream. The upper chords are built up box sections; the other truss members are angles with battens. All gusset plates at the lower panel points were replaced ca. 1970, and the connections changed from rivets to welds. The bridge is neither historically nor technologically significant. It is an altered example of a common bridge type used with great frequency since the 1890s. More than 80 rivet-connected truss bridges built prior to 1910 remain statewide, including an 1891 riveted pony truss bridge in Potter county. Earlier, complete examples represent the introduction and significance of the technology. According to PADOT Dist. 2-0, the bridge has been determined eligible by PHMC as a result of Sec. 106 consultation (note of 5/99). Discussion of Surrounding Area The single lane bridge, currently closed to vehicular traffic, carries a borough street over a channelized stream in Coudersport borough. It is located one block east of the National Register-listed Coudersport Historic District. The district boundary should not be expanded to include the bridge. To the west are undistinguished, early 20th century residences, all with modern siding and altered fenestration. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes |
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