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The Salina Bridge is a very impressive example of a pin-connected Parker truss bridge. It is noted for its long, three span configuration. There are some alterations to the structure, but the overall appearance is retained. Original lattice railings remain on the bridge. This is a bridge that is very impressive to view, and is a joy to drive across as it creates the enjoyable sense of a being in a tunnel as you cross the structure. These experiences go beyond simple historic value, yet present another definite reason to preserve an old bridge, because modern bridges do not convey these experiences. Also, the Pennsylvania Historic Bridge Inventory is incorrect/outdated in suggesting that many other examples of this bridge type remain in the area. This bridge is worthy of preservation as a long example of a relatively uncommon historic bridge type.
Information and Findings From Pennsylvania's Historic Bridge InventoryDiscussion of Bridge The 3 span (1 @ 214'-10 1/2", 2 @ 215'-5"), pin-connected Parker thru truss bridge is supported on a substructure of ashlar abutments with wingwalls and 2 ashlar piers. The trusses are traditionally composed with built up box section upper chords and end posts, and the lower chords are eyebars. Vertical and diagonal members are laced, toe-out channels. It is one of two nearly identical bridges built in the county in 1906-07 using funds from the Act of 1896 (see 64 0136 0050 1938). Most of the lower panel points of this bridge have been repaired with new welded material, and some outer pin nuts have been welded. The bridge is not as complete as other Pratt-variation pin connected thru truss bridges in the region and state and is not historically or technologically significant. More complete examples of the type and design are not uncommon, and they represent the significance of the type and design. Association with the Act of 1896 does not make a bridge historically significant. Discussion of Surrounding Area The bridge carries a 2 lane road over the Kiskiminetas River and Conrail (formerly Pennsylvania RR) tracks in the borough of Salina, at the Westmoreland-Armstrong County line. There are T intersections at each end of the bridge. The former General Refractory plant is at one end of the bridge. It is closed, and buildings at the site have been removed. The Westmoreland County side is wooded. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: No |
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