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Jenkinsburg Bridge

Bull Run Bridge

Jenkinsburg Bridge

Primary Photographer(s): Nathan Holth and Rick McOmber

Bridge Documented: July 6, 2014 and July 7, 2018

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Facility Carried / Feature Intersected
Mt. Nebo - Bull Run Road (CR-14-4) Over Cheat River
Rural: Preston County, West Virginia: United States
Construction Date and Builder / Engineer
1912 By Builder/Contractor: Canton Bridge Company of Canton, Ohio
Rehabilitation Date
Not Available or Not Applicable
Main Span Length
220.0 Feet (67.1 Meters)
Structure Length
224.4 Feet (68.4 Meters)
Roadway Width
15.4 Feet (4.69 Meters)
1 Main Span(s)
Inventory Number

Historic Significance Rating (HSR)
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Bridge Documentation

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This spectacular bridge soars over the river it crosses at substantial elevation. This makes what is already an impressive pin-connected Pennsylvania through truss bridge even more impressive. The pristine mountainous setting only adds to the setting. While the bridge does have some alterations and repairs, the overall historic integrity of the bridge is good. It is today, thanks to demolition, an increasingly rare and significant example of what was already an uncommon bridge type.

Although straight line distance, this bridge is only around 11 miles from downtown Morgantown, this bridge's location can only be described as extremely remote and rural. The road to this bridge is completely unimproved. Anyone without familiarity with this road and area (and West Virginia in general) is recommended to utilize a vehicle with decent ground clearance and only attempt to access the bridge when the road is dry. The road is composed of large boulders and a car driving the road must be driven at the speed of a slow walk, and the sensation to the driver will be that of being in a boat on rough waters. Driving to this bridge you may feel that you are going where nobody has been for years and if you get stuck your corpse will not be discovered for years. However, the bridge and surrounding area appears to be a highly popular local destination and you may be surprised to find many cars and people there at times. The private property owners have opened their land to the respectful use of the public, so the area is essentially a park. It was interesting to note that despite the road being what people who don't live in West Virginia would describe as a very intimidating, unimproved road to drive, there were compact cars that had successfully made the drive back to this bridge. To add to the adventure, when the bridge was field visited in 2014, the approaching roadway right at the bridge deck was somewhat washed away, and someone had piled up some rocks to help people get up the short, but sharp bump up onto the bridge deck. If your speed was not just right you either wouldn't make the jump and would spin your tires, or you would have a very rough and violent bump up onto the bridge.

Given this bridge's rural location, its interesting to imagine over 100 years ago this bridge being erected at this location. To do so was undoubtedly a challenge, yet this road must have at one time been important enough to justify the effort.

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The road leading to this bridge is completely unimproved, composed of large boulders, and must be driven with great care.

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HistoricBridges.org Bridge Browser: View listed bridges within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of this bridge.

2021 National Bridge Inventory: View listed bridges within 0.5 miles (0.8 kilometers) of this bridge.

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