Uncredited photos on this page taken by: Nathan Holth. Unless stated in a caption, all photos are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. Learn about reuse of our photos.
Oblique views from southwest quadrant.
Distant oblique views from southwest quadrant.
Portal views facing north.
Views beside bridge from southwest quadrant.
Oblique views from northwest quadrant.
Views beside bridge from northwest quadrant.
West elevation.
Elevation from southwest quadrant.
Looking up at bridge from below.
Views of truss web.
Wadsworth brand.
Top chord connections with diagonal members, where the top chord is eye bars.
Top chord connections with cast iron strut only.
Top chord connections with diagonal members, where the top chord changes from eye bar to channel.
Top chord connections with diagonal members, where the top chord is channel.
Bottom chord connections with diagonal members.
Bottom chord connections without diagonal members.
Bottom chord connection details.
Bottom chord connection at end post.
Top chord detail showing cast iron block between channels.
Bottom chord detail showing cast iron block between channels.
End detail of bottom chord.
Diagonal members with ribbon/corrugated lacing.
Overview of diagonal members and bracing at pier.
Portal bracing.
Sway bracing.
Pinion and gearing.
Rollers. These appear to be tipping outward such that the truss is not bearing on them properly anymore.
Curved cast iron blocks forming a rim that the rack rests on.
Bottom chord bearing on the upper circular rim of the swing system. Note the little cast iron bracket attached to the bottom chord.
Caisson details.
Overview of cast iron struts.
Details of cast iron struts.
Mechanism at end floor beam, likely part of the locking mechanism.
Open area leading from nearby drive to bridge.
View downstream from bridge.
Large wasp found on shore near bridge.
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