Uncredited photos on this page taken by: Nathan Holth. Unless stated in a caption, all photos are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. Learn about reuse of our photos.
Note: Directions assume east-west orientation of bridge.
Portal views facing east.
Portal views on bridge near west end of bridge facing east.
Portal views on bridge facing east.
Portal views facing west.
Oblique views from southwest quadrant.
Traffic on bridge.
Views of truss web.
Photo Credit: Julie Bowers, Workin' Bridges
Builder plaque on top chord. This is the typical location of a plaque for a King Bridge Company bowstring.
Photo Credit: Nels Raynor, Bach Steel
Builder plaque on top chord. This is the typical location of a plaque for a King Bridge Company bowstring.
Builder plaque. This plaque was used by King Bridge Company on their Pratt and Whipple truss bridges, and its origin and reasons for placement on this bridge is unclear.
Memorial plaque.
National Register plaque.
Date engraving.
Carnegie brand on sway bracing (strut). Note the little "H" at the end of the word. This refers to the Homestead mill, and the company does not appear to have started putting this "H" on its steel until the 1920s.
Jones and Laughlin brand on floorbeams.
Top chord connections as viewed from on bridge.
Bottom chord connections as viewed from on bridge.
Photo Credit: Nels Raynor, Bach Steel
Bridge shoes and bearing.
Bridge shoes and bearing.
Sway bracing.
Floorbeam with riveted and bolted bracket for the vertical frame that holds the sway bracing.
Detail of knee bracing for sway bracing frame.
Bottom chord pin splice.
Outrigger detail.
Top chord.
Top chord splice plates.
Vertical member replaced with jack posts. Like the type you buy at Home Depot and put in your house. They don't work so well for bridges. This one is cracked.
Vertical member replaced with jack posts. Like the type you buy at Home Depot and put in your house.
Cameras on bridge.
Views from bridge.
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