Uncredited photos on this page taken by: Nathan Holth. Unless stated in a caption, all photos are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. Learn about reuse of our photos.
Elevation from south quadrant.
Highly zoomed photos: Elevation from south quadrant.
Views beside bridge from south quadrant.
Highly zoomed photos: Views beside bridge from south quadrant.
Southeast elevation of individual span.
Views beside bridge from west quadrant.
Highly zoomed photos: Views beside bridge from west quadrant.
Elevation from west quadrant.
Northwest elevation of individual spans near southwest end of bridge.
Bridge portal view facing southwest, including approach.
Portal views of truss spans facing southwest.
Highly zoomed photos: Portal views of truss spans facing southwest.
Portal views on truss spans, near northeast end, facing southwest.
Views from edge of roadway, northeast end, facing southwest.
Highly zoomed photos: Showing truss spans as seen from northeast end.
Highly zoomed photo: Portal view facing northeast.
Bridge portal view facing northeast, including approach.
Portal views of truss spans facing northeast.
Highly zoomed photos: Portal views of truss spans facing northeast.
Highly zoomed photos: Showing truss spans as seen from southwest end.
Views from edge of roadway, southwest end, facing northeast.
Views of truss web.
Main plaque.
Descriptive plaque.
Illinois brand.
Top chord connections as viewed from beside bridge.
Top chord connections as viewed from on bridge.
Bottom chord connections as viewed from beside bridge.
Bottom chord connections as viewed from under bridge.
Intermediate connection as viewed from on bridge.
Bottom chord connections as viewed from on bridge.
Floorbeam connections to truss.
Stringer detail.
Pier. Note added steel column.
View under bridge between pier columns showing added steel columns.
Alterations to pier.
End post.
Vertical member.
Top chord.
Bottom chord.
Diagonal members.
Number markings on bridge.
Impact damage to truss.
Approach railing.
Transition from approach railing to truss railing.
Truss railing.
View from bridge showing the overgrown flood plain the bridge crosses.
Bridge deck surface.
Historic concrete on approaching roadway.
Deer on approaching roadway.