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Alternatives To Destruction

Taken From The Indiana DOT Website.

Alternatives To Destruction
There is no reason to tear down a historic truss bridge. Why? Because there are so many alternatives, that road commissions should be able to choose one option that both allows traffic to get where it needs to go, without costing an excessive amount of money. Keep in mind that tearing a bridge down costs money. Also keep in mind that the construction of a new bridge also costs money. Often leaving the historic bridge closed, or making repairs to the bridge may cost less than the total cost of bridge destruction and construction. Here are a few alternatives.

Full Restoration:
Rehabilitate the bridge for vehicular use, in accordance with the treatment approaches recommended by the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.

Full Restoration Through Retrofit:
Rehabilitate the bridge and retrofit the structure to carry legally loaded vehicles.

Partial Restoration/Maintenance:
Either the owner or another party rehabilitates the bridge for vehicular use, with size/weight limitations, or rehabilitate the bridge for non-vehicular use.

Add A Bridge For More Lanes:
Build a bridge next to the existing bridge, forming a one-way couplet, using both bridges for vehicular use.

Build A New Vehicle Bridge, But Also Maintain Historic Bridge:
Either the owner or another party bypasses the historic bridge and maintains the historic bridge for either light vehicular use or non-vehicular use.

Relocate to Bridge Park:
The bridge is relocated and rehabilitated, by either the owner or another party, for the purpose of serving vehicular or non-vehicular traffic, at a public location.

Other Options, That Are Less Appealing, but are Better Than Destruction:

Give the Bridge to A Private Individual (Like Me):
Another party relocates and rehabilitates the bridge at a location not available to the public.

Do Nothing:
The original Owner does nothing to the existing bridge and it remains in its existing condition. If the bridge is currently closed to traffic, or it has a posted weight restriction, document the detour route around the bridge.

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