
Green Frogs - Set Up Photos

Note: Most of these are very large images, so that you can see all the detail in the photo. I have cropped many of these pictures to help reduce the size of the image, but have not resized anything. Most of these pictures are in a ratio of size suitable for desktop backgrounds. (4:3 ratio)

Click a thumbnail to see the full-size image. If you want the full-size image to open in a new window, hold down the shift key when you click on a picture.

These are green frog tadpoles. They usually over-winter in the pond before completing transformation

This is an adult female green frog, of fairly large size. A fair amount of green is on this frog.

This medium sized female shows very little green.

Head on view.

Face to face with a frog. Looks like its smiling.

Top down view.

This frog was particularly out of control and refused to sit.

She got a bit dirty after jumping around so much.

This is a medium-small green frog who was especially dark.

Looking at something.

Looking at the side.

This could be what many flies last view looks like!

Green frogs make great candidates for Budweiser frogs, and these next few pictures are of a trio I caught.

Yes, it was a challenge to get three frogs to stand in one spot long enough to get a picture of them. I was lucky enough to get them all to face me also.

Another of them facing me.

This is a large male green frog. Note the large eardrum behind the eye.

This male green frog shows off his yellow throat, which only males have.

Male green frog hides in grass.


Here are a couple of the frogs after I released them.

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