Elevation from southeast quadrant.
HDR Photos: Elevation from southeast quadrant.
North elevation.
Views beside bridge from southeast quadrant.
HDR Photos: Views beside bridge from southeast quadrant.
Views beside bridge from northeast quadrant.
Eastern approach.
Girder detail of the "Y" detail on eastern approach.
Truss interior pier bearings.
Bearing for end of truss spans. These bearings are in tension, and therefore linked to eyebars anchored in the piers. Note alteration which supplements the original bearing/anchor system.
Overview of hanger for suspended span.
Top chord connection at hanger for suspended span.
Alteration detail for suspended span hanger.
Top chord connections.
Bottom chord connections.
Top chord.
Views under bridge showing how bridge is composed of two parallel superstructures. If you look close, you will even see a gap in the deck, with light coming through.
Views under bridge showing bracing.
Bracing details.
Truss members.
Truss pier.
Approach girder details.
Approach piers.