
Insect Photos

About This Collection

Insects are always fun to photograph with my digital camera, especially my newer Dimage Z3 Camera, which has a super-macro mode allowing me to get a half-inch away from the subject. The result is I can get decent up-close imagery of small objects like insects.

Photo Gallery

Note: Most of these are decent sized images, so that you can see all the detail in the photo. I have cropped many of these pictures to help reduce the size of the image, but have not resized anything. A number of these pictures are in a ratio of size suitable for desktop backgrounds. (4:3 ratio)

Click a thumbnail to see the full-size image. If you want the full-size image to open in a new window, hold down the shift key when you click on a picture.

A damselfly is a dragonfly-like insect noted for beautiful metallic exoskeletons. I have found these around historic bridges quite frequently. I have a number of photos of these insects, many more metallic than this one further down in the gallery, but I liked the way this photo was set up better than my others.

Easter Tiger Swallowtail.

Another shot of the Easter Tiger Swallowtail.

A Crescent butterfly sits on a flower.

Another shot of the Crescent butterfly.

A beehive I found on the Indian Trail Bridge.


A beehive I found on the Indian Trail Bridge.

A dragonfly.

I would have preferred a nicer backdrop than my bicycle bag but I didn't dare touch this hornet/wasp!

A honey bee on a Chicory flower. Both are alien species here in the United States.

The only Giant Tiger Swallowtail I have photographed to date.

A house fly falls prey to a spider. This was taken on my newly painted basement stairs. I do not like to find a spider in my house, but at least this one was being useful! You can see the bizarre eyes of the spider in this photo.

Here, I fall prey to a Deer Fly, which will suck blood just like a mosquito. These are a bit larger than mosquitoes though! Some areas in Michigan have so many of these it is unbearable to walk around. Both deer flies and mosquitoes have resulted in historic bridge "dancing detailing" where I have to keep moving when photographing a bridge if I don't want them to land and drill annoying holes all over my body.

A caterpillar.

A giant dragonfly, unfortunately found dead, sits on a man's hand.

These are the more metallic damselflies I discussed in the first photo. They have very dark wings as well.

These are the more metallic damselflies I discussed in the first photo.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.  These photos are a bit smaller and cropped. They were taken with my older camera.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.

Damselfly, found near the Frith Road Bridge.

A grasshopper on a porch railing.

A moth sits on a tree.

Swallowtail butterfly.

Icy formations near the 30 Mile Bridge Ruins. This ice is actually on one of the eye-bars from the bridge.

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