
Misc. Nature Photos

About This Collection

These are miscellaneous photos of nature-related items for which I had no other categories. You will find everything from deer to snails to ice formations in this gallery!


Photo Gallery

Note: Most of these are decent sized images, so that you can see all the detail in the photo. I have cropped many of these pictures to help reduce the size of the image, but have not resized anything. A number of these pictures are in a ratio of size suitable for desktop backgrounds. (4:3 ratio)

Click a thumbnail to see the full-size image. If you want the full-size image to open in a new window, hold down the shift key when you click on a picture.


This is a fawn that was for whatever reason somewhat tame (for deer). I got several neat photos.

Another photo of the fawn.

Another photo of the fawn.

This turtle had come into my yard from a nearby pond, and was thinking about digging an egg nest here. He had already started digging as shown here.

When it gave up and started wandering back to the pond, I picked it up for a couple up-close photos of its highly detailed face.

Side of the turtle's head. Turtle's are not as shy as people make them out to be. In fact they can be rather obstinate. When I set this turtle back on the ground it took off rather quickly back to the pond.

Snapper turtles are even less shy; belligerent would describe them. This is a small snapper turtle I found on a road. I don't recommend picking these aggressive turtles up... they won't retreat into their shells, they will instead bite you! I fortunately have never experienced this. I did make sure this one got off the road safely.

A land snail of some sort.

Detail of the snail's shell.

A crayfish I pulled out of the water for a photo.

A crayfish I pulled out of the water for a photo.

Icy formations near the 30 Mile Bridge Ruins.

Icy formations near the 30 Mile Bridge Ruins.

Icy formations near the 30 Mile Bridge Ruins. This ice is actually on one of the eye-bars from the bridge.

Icy formations near the 30 Mile Bridge Ruins. This formation was also on a bridge member.

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