Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 34.924741,-98.022850
Carries N2790 over Bills Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 71.9 Feet
Span Length: 71.9 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Bills Creek on N2790
History: Built 1925; rehabilitated 1950; replaced 2009
Built: 1925
Location: Grady County
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Status: Bridge is now a concrete slab...
Location: 0.000000,0.000000
Carries N2810 over Buggy Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 82.0 Feet
Span Length: 82.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Buggy Creek on N2810
History: Built ca. 1910; rehabilitated 1944
Built: ca. 1910
Location: Grady County
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Status: Removed
Location: 35.334190,-97.918098
Carries E1160 Rd. over Buggy Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren pony truss
Total Length: 90.9 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Buggy Creek on E1160 Rd.
History: Built 1928
Built: 1928
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.072500,-97.818056
Carries E1340 over East Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 69.9 Feet
Span Length: 50.9 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over East Bitter Creek on E1340
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 35.113703,-97.793912
Carries 2674C over East Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren pony truss
Total Length: 80.1 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over East Bitter Creek on 2674C
History: Built 1936; replaced 2014
Built: 1936
Location: Grady County
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Looking South
Photo taken by Beau Deen in July 2011
Looking Southest
Photo taken by Beau Deen in July 2011
Looking Southwest
Photo taken by Beau Deen in July 2011
Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.029444,-97.831944
Carries E1370 over East Elm Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 82.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over East Elm Creek on E1370
History: Built ca. 1930
Built: ca. 1930
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 35.015072,-97.745418
Carries N2955 Rd. over East Winter Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren pony truss
Total Length: 118.1 Feet
Span Length: 44.9 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over East Winter Creek on N2955 Rd.
History: Built 1925; rehabilitated 1949; replaced 2005
Built: 1925
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 34.946667,-97.938889
Carries N2837 over Little Washita River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 129.9 Feet
Span Length: 69.9 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Washita River on N2837
History: Built 1925; rehabilitated 1950
Built: 1925
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 34.949444,-97.934444
Carries 2622C over Little Washita River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 104.0 Feet
Span Length: 94.2 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Washita River on 2622C in Ninnekah
History: Built ca. 1930
Built: ca. 1930
Location: Grady County
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Status: No longer exists
Location: 0.000000,0.000000
Carries OK 19 over Little Washita River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 345.1 Feet
Span Length: 100.0 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Little Washita River on OK 19
History: Built ca. 1940; replaced 2002
Built: ca. 1940
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 34.890000,-98.005000
Carries 2652C over Little Washita River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 243.1 Feet
Span Length: 121.1 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Little Washita River on 2652C
History: Built 1956; replaced 2011
Built: 1956
Location: Grady County
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Status: No longer exists
Location: 0.000000,0.000000
Carries E1590 over Murray Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 47.9 Feet
Span Length: 47.9 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Murray Creek on E1590
History: Built 1909; rehabilitated 1935; replaced 2002
Built: 1909
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 35.081027,-97.917203
Carries N2850 over Otter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 61.0 Feet
Span Length: 61.0 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Otter Creek on N2850 in Chickasha
History: Built 1919; replaced 2010
Built: 1919
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 34.893333,-97.723333
Carries N2960 over Roaring Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 155.8 Feet
Span Length: 80.1 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Roaring Creek on N2960
History: Built 1928; replaced 2015
Built: 1928
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 34.881667,-97.758333
Carries N2940 over Roaring Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 100.1 Feet
Span Length: 100.1 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Roaring Creek on N2940
History: Built 1975
Built: 1975
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.058333,-97.968333
Carries Frisco Avenue (E1350) over Rock Hollow Creek
Design: arch
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 35.1 Feet
Span Length: 22.0 Feet
Overview: Arch bridge over Rock Hollow Creek on Frisco Avenue (E1350) in Chickasha
History: Built ca. 1930
Built: ca. 1930
Location: Grady County
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Status: No longer exists
Location: 0.000000,0.000000
Carries N2940 over Rush Creek
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss
Total Length: 182.0 Feet
Span Length: 144.0 Feet
Overview: Lost through truss bridge over Rush Creek on N2940
History: Built ca. 1910; rehabilitated 1957; replaced 2004
Built: ca. 1910
Location: Grady County
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Status: No longer exists
Location: 0.000000,0.000000
Carries E1290 over Salt Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 89.9 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Salt Creek on E1290
History: Built 1922; replaced 2003
Built: 1922
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.057000,-97.936904
Carries FAU 4061 (4 ST) over Tony Hollow Creek
Design: beam/stringer
Design Details: Stringer
Total Length: 85.0 Feet
Span Length: 42.0 Feet
Overview: Stringer bridge over Tony Hollow Creek on FAU 4061 in Chickasha
History: Built 1939
Built: 1939
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 35.188333,-97.920000
Carries E1260 over Branch of Salt Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 39.0 Feet
Span Length: 37.1 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over a branch of Salt Creek on E1260
History: Built 1915; replaced 2015
Built: 1915
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 35.131234,-97.748733
Carries E1300 over East Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 80.0 Feet
Span Length: 80.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over East Bitter Creek on E1300
History: Built ca. 1940; rehabilitated 1965
Built: ca. 1940
Location: Grady County
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Status: Closed
Location: 35.085083,-97.957040
Carries N2828 (old US 81) over Washita River
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pratt through truss
Total Length: 423.9 Feet
Span Length: 122.1 Feet
Overview: Through truss bridge over Washita River on N2828 (old US 81) in Chickasha
History: Built 1931
Built: 1931
Location: Grady County
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North Approach
Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2018
Status: No longer exists
Location: 35.088839,-98.091191
Carries County Line Road (FAS 0831) over Washita River
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss
Total Length: 227.0 Feet
Span Length: 145.0 Feet
Overview: Lost through truss bridge over Washita River on County Line Road (FAS 0831)
History: Built 1939
Built: 1939
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 34.859296,-97.683076
Carries OK 19 over Washita River
Design: truss/through/k-parker
Design Details: K-Parker through truss
Total Length: 520.0 Feet
Span Length: 210.0 Feet
Overview: K-Parker through truss bridge over Washita River on OK 19
History: Built 1953
Built: 1953
Location: Grady County
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Washita River Hwy 19
Photo taken by Jack Schmidt June 11, 2009
Status: Derelict/abandoned
Location: 35.030000,-97.846667
Carries N2890 over West Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 60.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over West Bitter Creek on N2890
History: Built 1919
Built: 1919
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.101944,-97.847222
Carries E1320 over West Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 80.1 Feet
Span Length: 80.1 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over West Bitter Creek on E1320
History: Built 1926
Built: 1926
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by new bridge
Location: 35.116667,-98.031667
Carries 2612C over Washita River
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss
Total Length: 195.9 Feet
Span Length: 120.1 Feet
Overview: Lost through truss bridge over Washita River on 2612C, 6 mi. south of 3.4 mi. east of Dutton
History: Built ca. 1930; rehabilitated 1950; replaced 1994
Built: ca. 1930
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by new bridge
Location: 35.086667,-97.843333
Carries 2614C over West Fork Creek
Design: arch/deck/closed
Design Details: Closed-spandrel arch
Total Length: 87.9 Feet
Span Length: 69.9 Feet
Overview: Lost concrete arch bridge over West Fork Creek on 2614C
History: Built 1918; replaced 1994
Built: 1918
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by new bridge
Location: 35.015000,-97.843333
Carries E1380 over Bitter Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 96.1 Feet
Span Length: 47.9 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Bitter Creek on E1380, 5.2 mi. east and 1.4 mi. north of Jct Us81 Sh19
History: Built ca. 1940; replaced 1992
Built: ca. 1940
Location: Grady County
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Status: Replaced by new bridge
Location: 35.090000,-97.935000
Carries 2658C over Washita River
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss
Total Length: 173.9 Feet
Span Length: 120.1 Feet
Overview: Lost through truss bridge over Washita River on 2658C
History: Built ca. 1930; rehabilitated 1950; replaced 2000
Built: ca. 1930
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.055833,-97.939722
Carries Fau 4057 (6 St) over Tony Hollow Creek
Design: arch
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 85.0 Feet
Span Length: 43.0 Feet
Overview: Arch bridge over Tony Hollow Creek on Fau 4057 (6 St)
History: Built 1939
Built: 1939
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.055464,-97.952489
Carries N2830 (16th St) (Old US 81/ US 62) over Line Creek
Design: beam/stringer/steel
Design Details: Steel stringer
Total Length: 200.1 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet
Overview: Steel stringer bridge over Line Creek on N2830 (16th St) (Old US 81/ US 62)
History: Built 1933
Built: 1933
Location: Grady County
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South Approach
Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2018
North Approach
Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2018
Status: No longer Exists
Location: 35.072500,-97.783889
Carries E1340 over Spring Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 61.7 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Lost Pony truss bridge over Spring Creek on E1340
History: Built 1915
Built: 1915
Location: Grady County
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Bridge Out
The sign was placed in the last few days; the dirt at the base of the sign was still loose.
Photo taken by Beau Deen in July 2011
Game Over
The dozer tracks were still fresh when we arrived on the scene. If only I was a week or so earlier...
Photo taken by Beau Deen in July 2011
Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.363765,-97.930407
Carries Union Pacific Railroad over Canadian River
Design: truss/through/warren/verticals
Design Details: 5 Sp. 200' Warren through truss with all verticals
Total Length: 1000.0 Feet
Span Length: 200.0 Feet
Overview: Warren through truss bridge over Canadian River on Union Pacific Railroad
Location: Grady County
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unio2 lowflow.jpg
unio2 highflow.jpg
Status: Intact but closed to all traffic
Location: 34.708347,-97.755937
Carries Old N2940 over Rush Creek
Design: truss/through/parker
Design Details: Parker through truss
Total Length: 182.1 Feet
Span Length: 144.0 Feet
Overview: Parker through truss bridge over Rush Creek on Old N2940
History: Built 1910; rehabilitated 1957, Bypassed 2004
Built: 1910
Location: Grady County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 35.091238,-97.943623
Carries Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; over Washita River
Design: truss/through/baltimore
Design Details: Baltimore through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Through truss bridge over Washita River on former Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad (now UP)
Location: Grady County
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Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.