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Michigan does not have a lot of deck truss bridges, mostly because a lack of deep river valleys create a small amount of clearance between the level of the approaching roadway and the river below. As such, deck truss bridges are not generally an appropriate choice in Michigan because such a structure would leave little clearance between bridge and water level. Clearance apparently was not a concern with this river however, as the bridge's trusses sit very close to the river. Normally this would be a risk since during a flood water could rise above the trusses and carry debris into them and causing damage. However, this section of the river acts as a reservoir for a dam located downstream, so it is presumed that the water level and flow can be controlled and does not rise up into a raging torrent after a rain storm or heavy snow melt events. Crossing a river made wider than normal by its reservoir function, the bridge is a fairly long one for Michigan, with three Warren deck truss spans and a deck plate girder approach at each end. The connections on the bridge are riveted. With many built-up beams, V-lacing is present on the diagonals and on some of the bracing. Lattice is present under the top chord. The bridge is also noteworthy for its skew, which is made apparent because the angle of the endposts of this bridge vary in angle, making the bridge look very odd.
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