BC-1A and BC-99 (Lions Gate Bridge Road) Over Burrard Inlet in Vancouver and West Vancouver: Greater Vancouver District, British Columbia, Canada
Metal Wire Cable Suspension, Fixed and Approach Spans: Metal Deck Girder, Fixed
Length: 5,981 ft.
Main Span: 1,552 ft.
Main Spans: 3
Built 1938
By: Dominion Bridge Company of Montréal, Québec
and Monsarrat and Pratley of Montréal, Québec (Charles Nicholas Monsarrat and Philip Louis Pratley)
Special Bridge Conditions Legend:R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction.
X - Confirmed demolished or
collapsed. S
- Dismantled and/or in storage. L -
Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.