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Bridges Found: 4


Kodiak City Dock Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 57.787189,-152.402539

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Carries Marine Hwy Route over Kodiak City Dock
Design: beam/stringer/wood
Design Details: Timber stringer
Total Length: 128.0 Feet
Span Length: 9.8 Feet

Overview: Timber stringer bridge over Kodiak City Dock on Marine Hwy Route
History: Built 1965
Built: 1965

Location: Kodiak Island Borough

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Anton Larsen Bay Road Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 57.776022,-152.533561

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Carries Anton Larsen Bay over Buskin River No 7
Design: slab
Design Details: Slab
Total Length: 92.5 Feet
Span Length: 24.9 Feet

Overview: Slab bridge over Buskin River No 7 on Anton Larsen Bay
History: Built 1960
Built: 1960

Location: Kodiak Island Borough

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Anton Larsen Bay Road-Red Cloud River Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 57.816586,-152.625639

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Carries Anton Larsen Bay over Red Cloud River
Design: beam/tee
Design Details: Concrete tee beam
Total Length: 63.0 Feet
Span Length: 30.8 Feet

Overview: Concrete tee beam bridge over Red Cloud River on Anton Larsen Bay
History: Built 1974
Built: 1974

Location: Kodiak Island Borough

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Buskin River Bridge No.2

Status: Removed but not replaced

Location: 57.755818,-152.501904

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Carries Road over Buskin River
Design: beam/stringer/wood
Design Details: Bridge No.2 was a stringer-span type supported with a steel pile-and-cap substructure. In plan, the bridge was shaped like parallelogram, 210 feet long and 26 feet wide, with an approximately 60-degree angle from the centerline that roughly matches the shoreline. A 1940 drawing of the bridge indicates that expected normal low water elevation was just above river bed at 119.8 feet, and the high water mark was estimated at approximately 6 feet higher. The bridge deck was shown sloping from an elevation of 137.4 feet on one bank to 135.7 feet on the other. The abutments were timber-crib types comprised of 4-inch-thick by 12-inch-high (4 by 12) planks. The side walls were bolted to a front wall faced with a steel H-pile bent that bears the primary load. A preservative—possibly creosote—once applied to the timber abutments was worn away in places. Supporting steel bents spaced every 21 feet divided the bridge structurally into ten equal sections. Bents were composed of five steel H-piles, some with diagonal bracing, topped with 26-foot-long steel caps. A wood nailer beam (4 by 10 by 26 feet long) bolted to the caps supported stringers (4 by 18 by 21 feet long) placed at 18-inch intervals. Wood decking consisting of milled lumber (4 by 12 by 22 feet long) was laid perpendicular to the stringers and secured with drift bolts. Two rows of wood railings (3 by 8 by 10.5 feet long) were bolted to rail posts (6 by 8 by 5 feet long) at every 10.5 feet on either side line the length of the bridge, and 6-inch by 8-inch milled lumber wheel guards of various lengths raised up by blocks (3 by 8 by 8 inches long) protected the rail posts from potential impacts from vehicular traffic. The Navy added steel channel bracing, welded diagonally to the pile bents, in 1955 and the bridge deck may have had an asphaltic coating applied at some point. Although weathered and missing some sections of railing, the bridge otherwise appeared largely original in 2019.
Total Length: 210.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Timber stringer bridge over Buskin River on Road
History: Built c.1941 as part of the construction of a naval base and coastal defense system to defend Alaska from potential Japanese attack. Demolished in 2019.
Built: c.1941

Location: Kodiak Island Borough

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Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S  - Dismantled and/or in storage. L -  Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.





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