Status: Open to traffic
Location: 45.909444,-87.756944
Carries CR 569 over Sturgeon River
Design: arch/deck
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 86.0 Feet
Span Length: 41.0 Feet
Overview: Concrete arch bridge over Sturgeon River on CR 569
History: Built 1900; rehabilitated 1959
Built: 1900
Location: Dickinson County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 45.790962,-87.907512
Carries Canadian National Railway over Main Street
Design: girder/deck/plate
Design Details: Riveted plate deck girders supported on treated timber trestlework
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Deck plate girder bridge over Main Street on Canadian National Railway
Location: Dickinson County
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Looking south
From Strawberry Lake Park, an open-pit iron mine turned into a city park.
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in June 2011
Looking north
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in June 2011
Looking northwest
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in June 2011
Status: Open to traffic
Location: 46.019470,-88.062436
Carries Railroad over West Branch of Sturgeon River
Design: arch/deck/closed
Design Details: Closed-spandrel arch
Total Length: 40.0 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet
Overview: Deck arch bridge over West Branch of Sturgeon River on Railroad
History: Built 1905
Built: 1905
Location: Dickinson County
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From Michigan STH-95
Looking west
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in May 2012
Looking west
The year 1905 is prominently displayed. I did not see a builder's plaque.
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in May 2012
Looking northeast
No surprises, it looks a lot like the other side. If you look closely, you can still see the pattern of the wooden formwork frozen into the concrete under the arch.
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in May 2012
STH-95 bridge next to rail bridge.
It's a UCEB, but at least they took small liberties to match the character of the railroad bridge. Be grateful for small mercies.
Photo taken by Robert Thompson in May 2012
Status: Intact but closed to all traffic
Location: 46.246112,-88.013147
Carries Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad over Michigamme River
Design: truss/deck/warren
Design Details: Warren deck truss
Total Length: 106.0 Feet
Span Length: 106.0 Feet
Overview: Warren deck truss bridge over Michigamme River on Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad
Location: Dickinson County
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Status: Intact but closed to all traffic
Location: 45.774729,-87.986006
Carries Canadian National Railway over Menominee River
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pratt through truss
Total Length: 330.0 Feet
Span Length: 200.0 Feet
Overview: Pratt through truss bridge over Menominee River on Abandoned Canadian National Railway
History: Built 1898
Built: 1898
Location: Dickinson County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 45.804707,-87.979069
Carries Canadian National Railway over Fumee Creek
Design: arch/deck/stone
Design Details: Stone arch
Total Length: 15.0 Feet
Span Length: 15.0 Feet
Overview: Stone arch bridge over Fumee Creek on Canadian National Railway
History: Built 1888
Built: 1888
Location: Dickinson County
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Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.