Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 43.981006,-84.496192
Carries M-18 over Cedar Creek
Design: arch/deck/closed
Design Details: Closed-spandrel arch
Total Length: 99.7 Feet
Span Length: 49.9 Feet
Overview: Lost concrete arch bridge over Cedar Creek on M-18
History: Built 1919; replaced 2001
Built: 1919
Location: Gladwin County
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Photo taken by James Baughn
Looking east
Photo taken by James Baughn
Looking west
Photo taken by James Baughn
Stone pier
Photo taken by James Baughn
Status: Re-erected (albeit backwards) in Beaverton School Forest Recreation Area
Location: 43.866667,-84.545556
Carries Townhall Road over South Branch of Tobacco River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 66.9 Feet
Span Length: 65.0 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over South Branch of Tobacco River on Townhall Road
History: Built 1917
Built: 1917
Location: Gladwin County
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Status: Derelict/abandoned
Location: 44.073465,-84.406882
Carries Wirtz Road over Sugar River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 49.9 Feet
Span Length: 47.9 Feet
Overview: Pony truss bridge over Sugar River on Wirtz Road
History: Built 1920
Built: 1920
Location: Gladwin County
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Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 43.980804,-84.496184
Carries Cedar Avenue over Cedar River
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 40.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Lost Pony truss bridge over Cedar River on Cedar Avenue
History: Built c. 1900
Built: c. 1900
Location: Gladwin County
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Photo taken by Nick Schmiedeler in November 2019
Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 43.883530,-84.483916
Carries Porter Street over Tobacco River
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Lost Through truss bridge over Tobacco River on Porter Street
Location: Gladwin County
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Porter Street Bridge
1916 view
Photo from old postcard
Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.