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Bridges Found: 49


Frisco - Old Highway 51 Overpass

Status: Removed 1962

Location: 36.149401,-96.344938

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Carries Old Frisco Railroad over Old Highway 51
Design: unknown
Design Details: Railroad overpass carried on wooden piles and concrete substructure
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Bridge over Old Highway 51 on Old Frisco Railroad
History: Built 1924, Removed 1962
Built: 1924

Location: Creek County

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View From old Railroad Grade

Photo taken by Wes Kinsler in October 2008


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View from Old Highway

Photo taken by Wes Kinsler in October 2008


Old Route 66 (US 66--1926 Alignment) Bridge


Location: 35.785883,-96.561819

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Carries Old Route 66 (1926 alignment) over unnamed creek
Design: arch/deck/stone
Design Details: Stone arch
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Bridge over unnamed creek on Old Route 66 (1926 alignment)
Built: 1925

Location: Creek County

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Browns Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.769060,-96.192547

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Carries 177th W. Ave. (N3830) over Browns Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren/verticals
Design Details: Warren pony truss with all verticals
Total Length: 62.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Warren pony truss bridge over Browns Creek on 177th W. Ave. (N3830)
History: Built 1918
Built: 1918

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


Buckeye Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 36.046667,-96.500000

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Carries 81st St. S. (E0670) over Buckeye Creek
Design: truss/pony/borcherding
Design Details: Miller & Borcherding pony truss
Total Length: 42.0 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Buckeye Creek on 81st St. S. (E0670)
History: Built ca. 1910
Built: ca. 1910

Location: Creek County

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It is interesting that this bridge has no laced beams.

Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Camp Creek Bridge

Status: Bypassed and abandoned.

Location: 35.755209,-96.574996

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Carries 281st St. S. (E0870) over Camp Creek
Design: truss/bedstead/pratt
Design Details: Bedstead pony truss
Total Length: 90.9 Feet
Span Length: 50.9 Feet

Overview: Bedstead pony truss bridge over Camp Creek on 281st St. S. (E0870)
History: Built 1914
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Catfish Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.828333,-96.418333

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Carries 231st St. S. (E0820) over Catfish Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Riveted, 5-panel Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 81.0 Feet
Span Length: 80.1 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Catfish Creek on 231st St. S. (E0820)
History: Built 1914
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Childers Creek Bridge

Status: Closed to traffic

Location: 35.951667,-96.065000

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Carries 65th West Ave. (N3900) over Childers Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Three-panel Pratt half-hip pony truss bridge with one-lane wooden deck.
Total Length: 52.2 Feet
Span Length: 49.5 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Childers Creek on 65th W. Ave. (N3900) in Kiefer
History: Built 1914; closed to traffic c. 2008.
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Oblique View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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View Through Bridge Looking North

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Detail of Center Panel

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Detail of Truss

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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County Officials' Plate

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Builder's Plate

Hard to make out, but is by Massillon Bridge Co.

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Taken back in March when the bridge was open. It appeared to be in decent shape then. Comparing my photos of seven months ago, with the new photos, it is amazing how quickly nature can take over, once a bridge is closed.

Photo taken by Gene McCluney on March 28, 2008


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Taken back in March when the bridge was open

Photo taken by Gene McCluney on March 28, 2008


Deep Fork Canadian River Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.651667,-96.511667

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Carries 465th W. Ave. (N3650) over Deep Fork of Canadian River
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pin-connected, 6-panel Pratt through truss
Total Length: 120.1 Feet
Span Length: 120.1 Feet

Overview: Through truss bridge over Deep Fork of Canadian River on 465th W. Ave. (N3650)
History: Built 1924
Built: 1924

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.699424,-96.210000

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Carries 193rd W. Ave. (N3820) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/parker
Design Details: Two-span pony truss bridge with wooden deck. The south span is a Warren truss, the north span is a Parker truss.
Total Length: 143.1 Feet
Span Length: 81.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 193rd W. Ave. (N3820)
History: Built 1924
Built: 1924

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


Deep Fork River Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.685000,-96.423333

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Carries 369th W. Ave. (N3704) over Deep Fork River
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pin-connected, 6-panel Pratt through truss
Total Length: 308.4 Feet
Span Length: 102.0 Feet

Overview: Through truss bridge over Deep Fork River on 369th W. Ave. (N3704)
History: Built 1925
Built: 1925

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Deep Fork River Bridge

moved from comments section

Photo taken by Rhys Martin in July 2020


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Deep Fork River Bridge

moved from comments section

Photo taken by Rhys Martin in July 2020


Dry Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 36.076667,-96.548333

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Carries 497th W. Ave. (N3630) over Dry Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Pratt half-hip pony truss
Total Length: 65.0 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Dry Creek on 497th W. Ave. (N3630)
History: Built 1910
Built: 1910

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Middle Duck Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced in 2004

Location: 0.000000,0.000000

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Carries US 75A over Duck Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 63.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Middle Duck Creek on US 75A
History: Built 1926; replaced 2004
Built: 1926

Location: Creek County

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East Fork Sandy Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new culvert

Location: 35.711641,-96.343959

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Carries 311th St. S. (E0900) over East Fork Sandy Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 70.9 Feet
Span Length: 50.9 Feet

Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over East Fork Sandy Creek on 311th St. S. (E0900)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Kenyon Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 35.891667,-96.140000

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Carries 129th W. Ave. (N3860) over Kenyon Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 44.9 Feet
Span Length: 44.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Kenyon Creek on 129th W. Ave. (N3860)
History: Built 1914
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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Lagoon Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 36.148333,-96.593333

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Carries 11th St. S. (E0600 Rd.) over Lagoon Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Riveted Warren pony truss
Total Length: 129.9 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Lagoon Creek on 11th St. S. (E0600)
History: Built 1928
Built: 1928

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.828333,-96.531667

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Carries E0820 over Little Deep Fork
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Riveted, 4-panel Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 87.9 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork on E0820
History: Built ca. 1990
Built: ca. 1990

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 35.806667,-96.476667

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Carries 433rd W. Ave. (N3670 Rd.) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Riveted Warren pony truss
Total Length: 74.2 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 433rd W. Ave. (N3670)
History: Built 1914
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Intact but closed to all traffic

Location: 35.813672,-96.435341

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Carries 241st St. S. (E0830 Rd.) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/bedstead/warren
Design Details: Bedstead Warren pony truss bridge on old alignment of Route 66.
Total Length: 74.2 Feet
Span Length: 50.9 Feet

Overview: Bedstead pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 241st St. S. (E0830 Rd./Old US 66)
History: Built 1914
Built: 1914

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by James McCray in April 2017


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View Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Detail of Truss

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Detail of Truss

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Builder's Plate

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View Looking East

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.846667,-96.583333

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Carries 529th W. Ave. (N3610 Rd.) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Riveted Warren pony truss
Total Length: 52.2 Feet
Span Length: 50.9 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 529th W. Ave. (N3610)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.810000,-96.511667

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Carries 465th W. Ave. (N3650) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Riveted, 4-panel Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 71.9 Feet
Span Length: 70.9 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 465th W. Ave. (N3650)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.871667,-96.618333

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Carries 201st St. S. (E0790 Rd.) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Riveted Warren pony truss
Total Length: 66.9 Feet
Span Length: 53.2 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on 201st St. S. (E0790)
History: Built 1927
Built: 1927

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


Polecat Creek Bridge

Status: Removed but not replaced

Location: 35.960000,-96.361667

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Carries 141st St. S. (E0730 Rd.) over Polecat Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 113.9 Feet
Span Length: 70.9 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Polecat Creek on 141st St. S. (E0730)
History: Built 1924
Built: 1924

Location: Creek County

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Polecat Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.930000,-96.293333

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Carries 161st St. S. (E0750 Rd.) over Polecat Creek
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pin-connected, 6-panel Pratt through truss
Total Length: 148.0 Feet
Span Length: 89.9 Feet

Overview: Through truss bridge over Polecat Creek on 161st St. S. (E0750)
History: Built 1925
Built: 1925

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Polecat creek

Photo taken by Jack Schmidt May 2009


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in September 2021


78th Street Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 36.061667,-96.061667

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Carries W. 78th St. (Land Rd.) over Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway
Design: arch/deck/closed
Design Details: One-lane closed-spandrel concrete deck arch bridge.
Total Length: 48.6 Feet
Span Length: 48.6 Feet

Overview: Arch bridge over Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway on W. 78th St. in Sapulpa
History: Built 1919
Built: 1919

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge Looking Northeast

The railway does not operate on weekends, so there was no danger of a train coming through on this day!

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Closer View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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West Abutment

Notice the detail work, and generally god condition of the concrete structure.

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Detail of Arch and Underside of Bridge

Bridge is in good shape for being almost 90 yeadrs old.

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Looking East on 78th Street

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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View Across Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Original Decorative Side Railings Discarded Nearby

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


Rock Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 35.813333,-96.353333

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Carries 241st St. S. (E0830 Rd.) over Rock Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 52.2 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Rock Creek on 241st St. S. (E0830)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Rock Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.993646,-96.136545

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Carries Ozark Trail (Old Rt. 66) over Rock Creek
Design: truss/through/parker
Design Details: Eight-panel Parker through truss bridge with brick driving surface.
Total Length: 146.0 Feet
Span Length: 144.0 Feet

Overview: Through truss bridge over Rock Creek on Ozark Trail (Old Rt. 66) in Sapulpa
History: Built 1921
Built: 1921

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge Looking Northeast

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Oblique View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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View Through Bridge Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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View Inside Truss Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Marker at East End of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Rock creek

Photo taken by Jack Schmidt May 2009


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Rock Creek Bridge on Old Route 66

Photo posted to Wikipedia by user Sara Carter


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Rock Creek/Ozark Trail Rt.66

Photo taken by Steve Biggs in May 2017


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In Feb. 2014 it was deemed structurally deficient

Photo taken by Michael Shulman in February 2014


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View looking toward Sapulpa

Photo taken by Michael Shulman in February 2014


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Structural damage

Photo taken by Michael Shulman in February 2014


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On old Ozark Trail Bridge No. 18 proudly shows its Route 66 roots

Photo taken by Michael Shulman in February 2014


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Photo taken by Michael Shulman in February 2014


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No. 18 Rock Creek Bridge | by fallsroad

Photo taken by michael


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Rock Creek Bridge

Photo taken by Lori Scholl


Rowland Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.930000,-96.330000

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Carries 161st St. S. (E0750 Rd.) over Rowland Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Pratt half-hip pony truss
Total Length: 64.0 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Rowland Creek on 161st St. S. (E0750)
History: Built 1932
Built: 1932

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in May 2020


Salt Creek Bridge

Status: Removed but not replaced

Location: 35.746667,-96.583333

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Carries 529th W. Ave. (N3610 Rd.) over Salt Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 83.0 Feet
Span Length: 41.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Salt Creek on 529th W. Ave. (N3610)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Salt Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.696667,-96.476667

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Carries 433rd W. Ave. (N3670 Rd.) over Salt Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren/alt-verticals
Design Details: Warren pony truss with alternating verticals
Total Length: 78.1 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Salt Creek on 433rd W. Ave. (N3670)
History: Built 1924
Built: 1924

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


Sand Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.843333,-96.368333

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Carries E0815 Rd. over Sand Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 105.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pratt pony truss bridge over Sand Creek on E0815 Rd.
History: Built 1913
Built: 1913

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View Across Bridge Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Detail of Truss

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View Across Bridge Looking East

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Oblique View

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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Builder's Plate

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


Sand Creek Bridge

Status: Closed to all traffic

Location: 35.857582,-96.387290

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Carries 353rd W. Ave. (N3720 Rd./Old US 66) over Sand Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren w/Verticals pony truss.
Total Length: 60.0 Feet
Span Length: 58.1 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Sand Creek on 353rd W. Ave. (N3720 Rd./Old US 66)
History: Built 1935
Built: 1935

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View Looking North

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2009


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View from new alignment

Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


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Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


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Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


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Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


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Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


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New road and bridge in the background

Photo taken by Steve Conro in September 2015


Sandy Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.668333,-96.356667

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Carries 341st St. S. (E0930 Rd.) over Sandy Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 77.1 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Sandy Creek on 341st St. S. (E0930)
History: Built ca. 1920
Built: ca. 1920

Location: Creek County

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Tiger Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.984196,-96.598932

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Carries 1st Street over Tiger Creek
Design: arch
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 27.6 Feet
Span Length: 25.6 Feet

Overview: Arch bridge over Tiger Creek on 1st Street in Drumright
History: Built 1936
Built: 1936

Location: Creek County

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Tiger Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.986028,-96.598835

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Carries Wood Street over Tiger Creek
Design: arch
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 29.9 Feet
Span Length: 25.9 Feet

Overview: Arch bridge over Tiger Creek on Wood Street in Drumright
History: Built 1936
Built: 1936

Location: Creek County

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Tiger Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.988333,-96.596667

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Carries OK 33 over Tiger Creek
Design: arch
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 26.9 Feet
Span Length: 24.9 Feet

Overview: Arch bridge over Tiger Creek on OK 33 in Drumright
History: Built 1918
Built: 1918

Location: Creek County

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Little Polecat Creek Bridge

Status: Intact but closed to all traffic

Location: 35.930252,-96.232064

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Carries 161st St. S. (E0750 Rd.) over Little Polecat Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren/alt-verticals
Design Details: Riveted Warren pony truss
Total Length: 49.9 Feet
Span Length: 48.9 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over Little Polecat Creek on 161st St. S. (E0750) in Kellyville
History: Built 1942
Built: 1942

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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East Approach

Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2009


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West Approach

Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2009


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Close-up of truss

Photo taken by David Backlin in June 2009


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in September 2021


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in September 2021


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Photo taken by Jay Bissell in September 2021


West Fork Sandy Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.741667,-96.388333

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Carries 291st St. S. (E0880 Rd.) over West Fork Sandy Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren/alt-verticals
Design Details: Warren pony truss with alternating verticals
Total Length: 45.9 Feet
Span Length: 44.9 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over West Fork Sandy Creek on 291st St. S. (E0880)
History: Built ca. 1940
Built: ca. 1940

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


West Fork Sandy Creek Bridge

Status: Unknown status

Location: 0.000000,0.000000

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Carries 1932C over West Fork Sandy Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 106.0 Feet
Span Length: 80.0 Feet

Overview: Pony truss bridge over West Fork Sandy Creek on 1932C
History: Built 1918
Built: 1918

Location: Creek County

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Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge

Status: Replaced by new bridge

Location: 35.819693,-96.412040

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Carries OK 66 (former US 66) over Little Deep Fork Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren pony truss bridge.
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Warren pony truss bridge over Little Deep Fork Creek on OK 66 (former US 66)
History: Built c. 1930, replaced 1973.
Built: c. 1930

Location: Creek County

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View Looking West on Rt. 66.

Photo taken March 1968.

Photo from Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society


TSU - Nickel Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 36.060858,-96.068936

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Carries Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway over Nickel Creek
Design: arch/deck/closed
Design Details: Closed-spandrel concrete arch railroad bridge with additional bench-shaped support underneath.
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Closed-spandrel arch bridge over Nickel Creek on Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway in Sapulpa
History: Built c. 1920
Built: c. 1920

Location: Creek County

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View of Bridge Looking East

This is a very distinctive bridge, a slender arch combined with a heavy support structure.

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Closer View of Bridge

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Detail of Bridge

The support looks like it may have been added at some point.

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


BNSF - Ozark Trail Overpass

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.992983,-96.177588

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Carries Frisco Railroad over Ozark Trail (Old Rt. 66)
Design: slab
Design Details: Concrete frame-and-slab railroad underpass.
Total Length: 29.9 Feet
Span Length: 29.9 Feet

Overview: Railroad underpass on Ozark Trail (Old Rt. 66) west of Sapulpa
History: Built 1925
Built: 1925

Location: Creek County

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View Through Underpass Looking West

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Closer View of Underpass

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


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Date Stamp on Underpass

Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2008


Deep Fork Relief Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 0.000000,0.000000

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Carries N3704 over Deep Fork Relief
Design: beam/stringer
Design Details: Stringer
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Stringer bridge over Deep Fork Relief on N3704

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


SLWC - Polecat Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.923223,-96.243186

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Carries Stillwater Central Railroad over Polecat Creek
Design: truss/through/warren
Design Details: Warren through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Railroad through truss bridge over Polecat Creek on Stillwater Central Railroad
History: Built 1946
Built: 1946

Location: Creek County

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Polecat Creek Railroad Bridge

Photo taken by Gene McCluney in December 2008


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


SLWC - Rock Creek Bridge


Location: 35.994019,-96.136616

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Carries Stillwater Central Ry (former Frisco Ry) over Rock Creek
Design: girder/deck/plate
Design Details: Older deck plate girder with modern concrete approaches. Probably replaced old timber approaches.
Total Length: 250.0 Feet
Span Length: 50.0 Feet

Overview: Deck plate girder bridge over Rock Creek on Stillwater Central Ry (former Frisco Ry)
History: Built 1925
Built: 1925

Location: Creek County

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Polecat Creek Bridge

Status: Derelict/abandoned

Location: 35.921728,-96.225762

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Carries Old alignment of Slick Rd. over Polecat Creek
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pratt through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Abandoned through truss bridge over Polecat Creek on old alignment of Slick Rd.
History: Built c.1915, bypassed in 1965.

Location: Creek County

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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Rick Mattioni in October 2013


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


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Photo taken by Mark Brown in March 2016


Creek Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.992719,-96.165567

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Carries Ozark Trail (old US 66) over Creek
Design: culvert/concrete
Design Details: Concrete culvert
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Concrete culvert bridge over Creek on Ozark Trail (old US 66)

Location: Creek County

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Looking East

Photo taken by David Backlin in January 2016


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North Railing

Photo taken by David Backlin in January 2016


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View from Below

Photo taken by David Backlin in January 2016


Lagoon Creek Bridge

Status: Destroyed by flooding

Location: 36.133629,-96.532584

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Carries W 21st Street over Lagoon Creek
Design: truss/pony/warren/alt-verticals
Design Details: Warren pony truss with alternating verticals
Total Length: 122.1 Feet
Span Length: 122.1 Feet

Overview: Warren pony truss with alternating verticals bridge over Lagoon Creek on W 21st Street
History: Built 1920
Built: 1920

Location: Creek County

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East 8th Avenue

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 35.835353,-96.379017

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Carries E 8th Avenue over Sands Creek
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Pratt pony truss bridge over Sands Creek on E 8th Avenue

Location: Creek County

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SLWC - N 3770 Bridge

Status: Unknown status

Location: 35.899717,-96.298150

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Carries Slwc R.R. over N3770 Under
Design: beam/stringer/steel
Design Details: Steel stringer
Total Length: 24.0 Feet
Span Length: 24.0 Feet

Overview: Steel stringer bridge over N3770 Under on Slwc R.R.
History: Built 1910
Built: 1910

Location: Creek County

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Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S  - Dismantled and/or in storage. L -  Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.





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