Status: Replaced by a new bridge
Location: 43.452102,-99.889824
Carries 314th Avenue over Dog Ear Creek
Design: truss/pony
Design Details: Pony truss
Total Length: 41.0 Feet
Span Length: 40.0 Feet
Overview: Lost pony truss bridge over Dog Ear Creek on 314th Avenue, 10 mi. east and 0.6 mi. north of Witten in Brunson Township
History: Built 1945; replaced 2011
Built: 1945
Location: Tripp County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 43.036778,-99.810611
Carries 318th Avenue over Keya Paha River
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: 3-panel, riveted Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 60.0 Feet
Span Length: 60.0 Feet
Overview: Pratt pony truss bridge over Keya Paha River on 318th Avenue, northwest of Wewela, 1.5 mi. west and 1.5 mi. north of Wewela in Rames Township
History: Built 1914 by the Standard Bridge Co.
Built: 1914
Location: Tripp County
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Status: Open to traffic
Location: 43.011952,-99.700172
Carries Croston Avenue over Keya Paha River
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: 7-panel, pinned Pratt through truss
Total Length: 119.1 Feet
Span Length: 119.1 Feet
Overview: Pratt through truss bridge over Keya Paha River on Croston Avenue, 4 mi. east of Wewela in Keyapaha Township
History: Built 1932
Built: 1932
Location: Tripp County
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Status: Intact but closed to all traffic
Location: 43.096344,-100.008252
Carries 308th Avenue over Keya Paha Rive
Design: truss/pony/pratt
Design Details: Pratt pony truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Pratt pony truss bridge over Keya Paha Rive on 308th Avenue
Location: Tripp County
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Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.
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