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Bridges Found: 8


Iturbide-Market Street Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 27.503490,-99.496093

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Carries Iturbide-Market Street over Zacate Creek
Design: arch/deck/open
Design Details: Open-Spandrel Arch
Total Length: 111.9 Feet
Span Length: 96.1 Feet

Overview: Concrete arch bridge over Arroyo Zacate (Zacate Creek) on Iturbide-Market Street in Laredo
History: Built 1928
Built: 1928

Location: Webb County

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Iturbide Street Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


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Iturbide Street Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


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Iturbide Street Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


Parking Lot Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 27.506111,-99.496389

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Carries Parking Lot over Zacate Creek
Design: arch/deck
Design Details: Arch
Total Length: 98.1 Feet
Span Length: 89.9 Feet

Overview: Concrete arch bridge over Zacate Creek on Parking Lot in Laredo
History: Built 1928
Built: 1928

Location: Webb County

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Matamoros Street Bridge

Status: Intact but closed to all traffic

Location: 27.506280,-99.496772

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Carries former Matamoros Street over Zacate Creek
Design: arch/deck/open
Design Details: Open-Spandrel Arch
Total Length: 98.1 Feet
Span Length: 82.0 Feet

Overview: Arch bridge over Arroyo Zacate (Zacate Creek) on a closed portion of former Matamoros Street
History: Built 1928
Built: 1928

Location: Webb County

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Matamoros Street Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


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Matamoros Street Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


KCSM - Texas-Mexico Railway Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 27.498470,-99.516209

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Carries KCS/KCSM over Rio Gande (Rio Bravo del Norte)
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: 2 Pratt through truss spans and four Pratt deck truss approach spans
Total Length: 1084.0 Feet
Span Length: 184.0 Feet

Overview: Pratt through truss and Pratt deck truss bridge over Rio Grande on KCS/KCSM
History: Built 1910
Built: 1910

Location: Webb County

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Photo taken by AMAPO


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Photo taken by Willem Vankesteren


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Photo taken by Patrick Carlson


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Texas Mexican Railway International Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


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Texas Mexican Railway International Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


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Texas Mexican Railway International Bridge

Photo taken by C Hanchey in December 2020


Laredo International Bridge

Status: Replaced by a new bridge

Location: 27.499257,-99.507485

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Carries Road over Rio Grande
Design: arch/deck/open
Design Details: Open-spandrel arch
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Open-spandrel arch bridge over Rio Grande on Road
History: Built 1932; Destroyed by flood 1954
Built: 1932

Location: Webb County

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International Bridge Remains

"After the flood, this dramatic picture shows the force of the water. Parts of the International Bridge at Laredo lie scattered in the river channel like jackstraws littered with other flotsam left by the river."

Photo taken by Texas Highways in 1954


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Historic Photo

Photo taken in 1940


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Historic Photo

Photo taken in 1940


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Laredo International Bridge

Photo from old postcard


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Laredo International Bridge

view c1940

Photo from old postcard


Gateway to the Americas International Bridge

Status: Open to traffic

Location: 27.499422,-99.507559

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Carries Convent Avenue over Rio Grande River
Design: beam/stringer/steel
Design Details: Haunched steel stringer
Total Length: 1049.9 Feet
Span Length: 149.9 Feet

Overview: Haunched steel stringer bridge over Rio Grande River on Convent Avenue
History: Built 1956
Built: 1956

Location: Webb County

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Photo taken by AMAPO


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Rio Grande River Bridge

Immigrants coming and going from Laredo, Texas & Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

Postcard Image Provided by David Shedlock


International Bridge

Status: Destroyed by flooding

Location: 27.499257,-99.507485

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Carries Footpath over Rio Grande
Design: truss/through/pratt
Design Details: Pratt through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Pratt through truss bridge over Rio Grande on Footpath
History: Built in the 1880s; Destroyed April 28, 1905
Built: 1880

Location: Webb County

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Public Domain: Published Prior to 1920


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Public Domain: Published Prior to 1923; Provided by the SMU Central University Libraries


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Foot and Wagon Bridge, Laredo Texas, 1899

Taken from Wikimedia Commons


International Bridge

Status: Destroyed by fire

Location: 27.490525,-99.482899

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Carries Foot Traffic over Rio Grande River
Design: truss/through
Design Details: Through truss. Steel bridge, with treated wooden flooring
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet

Overview: Lost Through truss bridge over Rio Grande River on Foot Traffic
History: Destroyed by Fire in 1920
Built: 1888

Location: Webb County

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International Bridge @ Laredo, Texas

Picture apparently taken one day before the fire on April 26th.

1920 postcard image provided by David Shedlock

Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S  - Dismantled and/or in storage. L -  Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.





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