Status: Derelict/abandoned
Location: 18.272594,-67.161683
Carries Former alignment of PR-2 over Rio Grande de Añasco
Design: truss/through/pennsylvania
Design Details: Pennsylvania through truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Abandoned Pennsylvania through truss bridge over Rio Grande de Añasco on Former alignment of PR-2
History: Built 1942-4
Built: 1944
Location: Anasco
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Puente de Añasco
Photo taken by Panoramio user Ricardo David Jusino Rosario
Puente de Añasco
Photo taken by Panoramio user Ricardo David Jusino Rosario
Taken for the NRHP
Taken for the NRHP
Taken for the NRHP
Taken by José Marull for the NRHP
Taken for the NRHP
Taken for the NRHP
Taken for the NRHP
Status: Open to traffic
Location: 18.280000,-67.166667
Carries Pr 115 over La Puente Channel
Design: beam/tee
Design Details: Concrete tee beam
Total Length: 27.6 Feet
Span Length: 23.0 Feet
Overview: Concrete tee beam bridge over La Puente Channel on Pr 115
History: Built 1915
Built: 1915
Location: Anasco
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Status: Derelict/abandoned
Location: 18.280568,-67.181708
Carries American Railroad Company of Porto Rico over Caño La Puente
Design: truss/pony/warren
Design Details: Warren pony truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Abandoned warren pony truss bridge over Caño La Puente on American Railroad Company of Porto Rico
History: Built 1893
Built: 1893
Location: Anasco
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From the book "Los Puentes Historicos de Puerto Rico" by Luis F. Pumarada O'Neill"; Used under Fair Use as an educational resource
Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.