Status: Destroyed by flooding
Location: 18.306667,-66.441667
Carries Pr 567 over Río Grande de Manatí
Design: beam/stringer
Design Details: Stringer
Total Length: 274.0 Feet
Span Length: 65.6 Feet
Overview: Lost Stringer bridge over Río Grande de Manatí on Pr 567
History: Built 1978; Destroyed 2017
Built: 1978
Location: Morovis
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Screencap taken from a video produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Status: Open to traffic
Location: 18.305934,-66.437697
Carries PR567 over Río Grande de Manatí
Design: truss/modern/pony
Design Details: Modern pony truss
Total Length: 0.0 Feet
Span Length: 0.0 Feet
Overview: Modern through truss bridge over Río Grande de Manatí on PR567
History: Built 2018
Built: 2018
Location: Morovis
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Screencap taken from a video produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Special Bridge Conditions Legend: R - Former location of relocated bridge. ! - At risk for demolition or destruction. X - Confirmed demolished or collapsed. S - Dismantled and/or in storage. L - Severe loss of historic integrity due to alteration.
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