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This bridge is a structure of decent size but it is dwarfed by the mountains which surround it. Bridge and mountains combine to form a very photogenic setting. This is a difficult bridge to get close to. The bridge has attractively designed concrete piers. Pierre Morin provided some technical details: the bridge is configured as follows from south to north: 60 foot deck plate girder, 600 foot continuous deck truss (Clear span over river 300 feet between piers), two 80 foot deck plate girder spans. The truss has built-up beams including lattice. Pierre also provided the following story about one of the projects he was involved with on the bridge: Back in 1985 we replaced the ties on this bridge. It was my job to work out dimensions for the 825 new ties and draw charts so they could be manufactured at a saw mill. On the curves at both ends of the bridge every tie was different, to account for curvature and superelevation as the track goes from about 12 degree curves to tangent across the main span. Each tie had a number tag so our Bridge and Building crew could put each tie at correct location. This was before the age of computers. All I had was a calculator. It took 3 months.
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