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This bridge is a rare example of a multi-span Camelback truss bridge and each span is of noteworthy size in Indiana. The bridge has been abandoned and left accessible to pedestrians. The bridge appears to retain good historic integrity. It has unusually tall and proportionately lightweight looking caissons in the center for a pier.
The National Bridge Inventory gives an 1896 construction date for this bridge. 1914 is the documented date. However it does make one wonder if perhaps the stone abutments this bridge sits on date to 1896. The abutments are known to be older than the truss bridge seen today.
Information and Findings From DHPA Historic Bridge SurveyStatement of Significance These are among the longest Camelbacks extant in Indiana and one of a handful of riveted ones. The trusses retain their original members and substructure. Since the prolific Hoosier firm that made the current metal structure only repaired the abutments, the extant spans are only the latest crossing the Whitewater at this place. Architectural Description Seated upon cut stone abutments and wingwalls and
metal caisson piers, the two-span riveted Camelback through trusses
stretch 182' in nine panels for each span. The truss pattern is a fairly
common one: three central panels in which the top and lower chords are
parallel, two panels on each side of center in which the top chord
inclines towards the endposts, and an endpost panel. All verticals
(except for the one closest to the endposts) are made from a pair of
heavy and single-sized channels laced together (at the endpost: two pair
of angles riveted together with battens). A pair of angles and battens
provide the diagonals and the single counter in the center panel; none
are adjustable. Each truss section is buttressed with mid-vertical
struts and heavy bracing; other verticals have knee braces. Riveted to
the gussets below the lower chord, I floor beams carry the timber deck
with its 17'4" roadway. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes |
This historic bridge has been demolished. This map is shown for reference purposes only.
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