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Taylor Bridge

Taylor Bridge

Primary Photographer(s): Nathan Holth and Rick McOmber

Bridge Documented: July 3, 2009

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Facility Carried / Feature Intersected
CR-313 (CR-304) Over North Fabius River
Taylor: Marion County, Missouri: United States
Construction Date and Builder / Engineer
1929 By Builder/Contractor: Chermus Construction Company
Rehabilitation Date
Not Available or Not Applicable
Main Span Length
200.0 Feet (61 Meters)
Structure Length
201.0 Feet (61.3 Meters)
Roadway Width
19.7 Feet (6 Meters)
1 Main Span(s)
Inventory Number

Historic Significance Rating (HSR)
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Bridge Documentation

This bridge no longer exists!

Bridge Status: David Lomax reports that the bridge was closed by MoDoT in late 2017, citing structural corrosion, replacement was bid out in June 2019 and awarded to Bleigh Construction of Hannibal, Missouri. The bridge was demolished the week of August 5th 2019.

View Archived National Bridge Inventory Report - Has Additional Details and Evaluation

With a 200 foot span, this bridge is among the longest Parker truss spans in the state of Missouri. The bridge retains good integrity. Located on old US-60 alignment, this bridge should be preserved for its historic and aesthetic value. The bridge is on old US-61 alignment but today carries local traffic on a county road.

This bridge is one of Missouri's remaining standard plan truss bridges. As the first and second decades of the 20th Century passed by, the movement to have states develop standard plans for bridges for the purpose of bringing a greater measure of quality control, efficiency, and consistency to bridgework in the nation took hold. In response to this movement, states developed standard plans for the bridge types that were most common and functional during the period. From the mid 1910s through the 1940s, many (but not all) states had developed standard plans for truss bridges which were used to in situations where large spans were desirable. While these standard plan truss bridges meant an end to the diversity of truss bridge appearances and designs seen during the earlier period where individual bridge companies designed the bridges, these standard plan truss bridges remained among the most intricate and visually intriguing bridge types. In addition, variety was still achieved because these standard plans were revised over the years, and different designs for different span lengths existed, and differences in skew and span numbers create additional variety. Moreover, these standard plan truss bridges are interesting because while they are all similar within each state, they are quite different from state to state because each state designed its own standard plans for truss bridges, and the designs they chose might be quite different from other states. Among the fifty states differences seen among truss bridge standard plans include truss configuration, portal bracing designs, built-up and rolled beam designs and placements, railing, and plaques.

Missouri's standard plans for trusses are usually either a Parker truss (long spans), a Pratt through truss (medium spans), and a subdivided Warren pony truss (short spans). Perhaps the most distinctive feature of Missouri's standard plan through truss bridges is their portal bracing. On most truss bridges, the portal bracing is the most structurally and visually substantial piece of bracing on the bridge. While Missouri's portal bracing may be structurally substantial, visually it is one of the smallest portal bracings ever seen, consisting of a single rolled or built-up beam, depending on the bridge. The sway bracing on through truss bridges is also simple, often being the same design as the portal bracing, if less massive. In contrast, the diagonals and verticals of the truss web tend to be built-up beams that are more visually appealing because they contain a combination of v-lacing and battens to create their built-up beams at these locations. Top chords on the bridges are generally built-up box beams that include v-lacing on the bottom. Indeed, v-lacing is the trend on these bridges for built-up beams, along with battens. Lattice is not usually seen. Plaques on the bridges are simple and uninformative, with historical information limited to no more than the construction date. Looking at all the features of Missouri's standard plan truss bridges, in terms of aesthetic quality, they rate similarly in aesthetic quality standard plan truss bridges in other states.


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