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Information from Ontario Bridge Inventory: This bridge was rehabilitated in 1998 and 2011. Bridge width: 14.9 meters.
This bridge is one of a decreasing number of attractive and old rigid-frame overpass bridges on King's Highway 400. Among the oldest freeway overpass bridges remaining in Ontario, this bridge and others like it were built around 1950. Like other rigid-frame overpass bridges built from the 1940s into the 1960s, they include an attractive arched superstructure and standard design ornamental railings. The KH-89 Bridge is unlike the other ca. 1950 Highway 400 overpass bridges however because it lacks the attractive bas-relief sculptures depicting the coat of arms of Ontario on the abutments, a detail found in other old overpasses on this highway.
These beautiful rigid-frame overpass bridges are a striking contrast to the mundane and ugly overpass bridges that are, one by one, replacing these bridges.
King's Highway 400 was the first city-to-city fully limited access highway in Ontario.
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