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This state standard through truss bridge continues to carry traffic on a busy two lane highway. This bridge has been designated the Beech Creek Veterans Memorial Bridge. As a beautiful riveted truss bridge the bridge does honor to those that served this country. is often sadened to see ugly modern bridges dedicated to veterans and feels that such actions do not give veterans the honor and respect they are due. It seems more appropriate for bridges that actually are attractive landmarks, like this bridge, to be designated as memorial bridges.
This bridge has a 30 degree skew. Historic integrity is good, with railing replacement the only major alteration.
Information and Findings From Pennsylvania's Historic Bridge InventoryDiscussion of Bridge The 1935, skewed, single span, 149'-long, 7 panel, rivet-connected, Pratt thru truss bridge is supported on concrete abutments with wingwalls. The upper chords are built up box sections, and the lower chords are channels with battens. Verticals and diagonals are rolled I section. In 1985, the bridge was rehabilitated with the replacement of several floorbeams and new stringers, concrete deck, and replacement bearings. Lattice railings were removed and replaced by concrete parapets inside of the truss lines. A single sidewalk with a replacement aluminum railing is cantilevered off of the north side. The bridge is an altered example of a state highway department standardized rivet-connected truss bridge with rolled section verticals and diagonals. The design was used with great frequency beginning in the mid 1920s. The bridge has no innovative or distinctive details. Approximately 150 rivet-connected truss bridges built between 1925 and 1957 remain statewide. Neither the bridge nor its setting is historically or technologically significant. Discussion of Surrounding Area The bridge carries a 2 lane road with a sidewalk over a stream in an area of modern commercial buildings and undistinguished, altered, vernacular houses dating from the late 19th through the mid 20th century. A number of the houses have been converted into businesses. The area lacks the cohesiveness of a potential historic district. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: No |
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