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This is the centerpiece bridge of a group of bridges constructed ca. 1929 as part of the Hogan's Creek Improvement Project which sought to visually and functionally improve Hogan's Creek to support the development of parklands surrounding the creek. The original improvement included improvements such as floodwater retention lakes, a number of new, ornamented bridges, and an attractive balustrade railing along the creek itself. The bridges have numerous architectural embellishments, which were directed by noted architect Henry J. Klutho with the assistance of an engineer, Charles V. Imeson.
The Main Street Bridge is the centerpiece bridge, given its location on Main Street. As such, this bridge has additional approach railing, which incorporate builder and commissioner plaques. This is the only bridge in the group to have plaques. The bridges were found eligible for the National Register of Historic Places by the Florida Historic Bridge Inventory.
The contemporary history of Hogan Creek is not so grand. Apparently some of the retention lakes have been filled in, which may have not been the smartest move. The creek suffers from pollution and contamination. The site visit to these bridges showed that the creek had flooded recently, and was still over its banks in some areas, spilling into portions of the surrounding parklands and city streets in places. Many of the balustrade railings along the creek are damaged. The bridges are perhaps the most intact surviving elements of the improvement today.
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