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This bridge is a relatively early surviving state standard through truss bridge.
Information and Findings From DHPA Historic Bridge SurveyBridge History and Significance In early September 1927, the Indiana State Highway Commission advertised a letting for the construction of a two-span "steel truss" structure for over Little Pigeon Creek on State Route #66 in Warrick County. Of the seven firms making proposals in late September, the Vincennes Bridge Company brought in the lowest bid at $49,980.65, some six thousand dollars below the engineering estimate. Construction was satisfactorily complete by mid-1929. The state highway engineers followed their standard 150-foot Parker through truss design for this setting, including the concrete substructure and coped and paneled approach rails. Eight panels, demarked by differently sloped top-chord segments, compose each of the two span riveted superstructures. The verticals are made of laced channels. A pair of angles and battens, lighter toward mid-span, provide the diagonals and counters (used only in the two most central panels). The lower chord consists of a pair of angles and battens in the two outer panels and are doubled for the inner ones. Substantial portal and wind bracing support the trusses. The heavy I floor-beams are riveted to the verticals at and above the lower chord and carry the concrete roadway. The through trusses allowed for 17 feet and 6 inches of vertical clearance. The state abandoned this section of S.R. #66 when it moved its route to the north and returned the roadway and the bridge to Warrick County ownership. This bridge represents the earliest standard design for the state's 150-foot Parkers. A number of the members of the west span have been replaced. The guardrail is also contemporary. The original design, though, remains well illustrated, especially in the east span. References Indiana State Highway Commission, Structure 66-B-658; Bridge Department, Division of Construction, "Notice to Bridge Contractors," 9 Sept. 1927; "Tabulation of Awards," 29 Sept. 1927; "Separate Contract Structures Awarded by Bridge Department through 1942: Arranged According to State Roads". MW, Inc., Warrick County Bridge Reinspection Report (Indianapolis, 1978). Engineer Associates, Inc., Bridge Reinspection Report: Warrick County (Evansville, 1981). United Consulting Engineers, Inc., Bridge Reinspection Report: Warrick County (Indianapolis, 1987). WTH Engineering, Warrick County: Bridge Reinspection Report (Indianapolis, 1999). Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes |
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