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This rare cast and wrought iron bowstring truss was relocated and preserved here in a park.
Built in 1872, this is an earlier example of a King Iron Bridge Company bowstring truss bridge. Details typical of the earlier bowstrings by this company including simple star iron outriggers without any lattice bars, and simple eyebars for the bottom chord splices are seen on this bridge. Later King bowstrings added lattice and switched to a split head eyebar design.
Strictly speaking, the bridge has not been restored. Structurally it did not need restoration, the cast and wrought iron has displayed its ability to resist deterioration in outstanding fashion. However, some of the alterations the bridge has acquired over its long life seem to have made the move with the bridge without reversal or correction. Specifically some of the cast iron posts for the overhead bracing had been crudely replaced with welded items (like whatever scrap happened to be in the back of the truck) and these do not rest at the correct angle upon the top chord.
The bridge has small concrete columns added underneath the bridge at two locations. Presumably added to reduce the loads on the historic truss, bowstrings have a tied arch aspect to them as well, and so its not clear what if anything adding these columns under the bridge actually do. Its not like there are load-bearing stringers added under the bowstring that these columns hold, they simply are under the transverse floorbeams. Its hard to imagine them offering any benefit.
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