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This bridge is a tiny structure, but displays most unusual construction. The top chord and end post is all one single rolled i-beam. The use of a rolled beam for a bridge that is as old as this bridge appears to be is unusual. Further, the unified use of a single beam for top chord and end post, which simply bends to transition from top chord to end post, is also unusual, although this is likely a function of the bridge's unusually short length, making the production of this part of the truss as a single unit easy. In sharp and perhaps surprising contrast to the rolled top chord and end post, the floor beam is a riveted built-up i-beam. The bridge's bottom chord connection at the center of the truss is a pin connection. All other connections are threaded rod with nut. The bridge has outriggers that are composed of star iron. The bridge's shoes and bearings are cast iron. The cast iron, star iron, and threaded rod with nut connections all were common in early metal bridges, such as those built during the 1870s. This bridge may also be that old. Alternatively, it may be the product of a small bridge builder that continued to rely on non-standard details into a later date such as the 1880s. A definitive date has not been associated for this bridge. This bridge displays excellent historic integrity with no noteworthy alterations. The bridge has recently been repainted and redecked for use on Mill Road, which is today a trail.
The bridge has cast iron parts with part numbers on it (The number "96" was found on this bridge). These castings are similar to those used by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, Ohio. However, of all the bridges remaining by this prolific bridge builder, no other examples of bridges with a rolled top chord have been identified. Either this bridge is an extremely rare deviation from the company's standards, or the bridge was built by another unknown builder that practiced (or copied) similar design details in their castings.
Jim Stewart visited this bridge and took the following detailed technical measurements of the bridge.
Span, c / c brgs. 18'-0 (approx. Clear span ~16.5')
Depth, c / c chords 4'-6
Width, c /c of trusses 16'-7
Stringers (10) 4 x 2-1/4
Floor beam 8" deep at ends. Deeper at mid-span. Top is an unsymmetric tee with flange width 5". Bottom is a pair of angles.
Top chord is an i-shape 6 x 3-1/4
Bottom chord is (2) bars 3/4 x 3/4.
Diagonals are (2) bars 3/4 x 3/4 which are welded together at the upper end and
forged to a ~1-1/2 round.
Vertical is a 2" star iron. Also, a knee brace is provided.
Castings for bearings are pattern number "96".
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