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This bridge is an example of a concrete rainbow arch, also called a concrete bowstring bridge. It stands out as noteworthy for the length of its spans as well as its multi-span configuration. Perhaps the most striking feature of the bridge however is its heavy skew. Aside from the arches being offset from each other to accommodate this arch, the single overhead brace for each span does not follow the skew angle, so it does not meet at the same location on the arch at each end of the brace. The bridge is simple in appearance, with the arch's inherent graceful shape and appearance being the main form of aesthetic detail, although the railing does have some architectural embellishment. One interesting aspect of the bridge is it does not appear that the contractor put a large amount of effort into maintaining a perfect curve to the arch. Slight variances in the curve of the arch are discernable to the naked eye without too much difficulty. This is a contrast to some old concrete bridges where every curve and every detail was constructed to as close to perfection as possible.
This bridge is tagged with the following special condition(s): Unorganized Photos
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