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This overpass bridge is a very wide grade separation structure supporting many tracks on the busy railway that leads into Union Station. The bridge appears to be a concrete slab design, although it is possible that steel stingers are embedded within the concrete. The south side of this bridge almost looks like a different bridge as compared to the north side. The south side has a somewhat traditional detailing on the side of the concrete, with a pattern of rectangle outlines, and small concrete brackets providing a cantilever to extend the deck beyond the superstructure slightly. The north side is quite different. It has a much longer cantilever of the deck beyond the superstructure, and so the cantilever brackets are larger and more numerous. Decorative arches spanning from each cantilever bracket give this side of the bridge a unique, attractive appearance. These brackets and arches dominate the north side of the bridge; no rectangle patterns are present because there was no place to put them.
For support in the middle, the bridge features attractive an concrete bent design, with the columns including architectural details including inset rectangles.
As of 2013, there was a lot of construction going on around this bridge, and some unused portion of the elevated railway surface that led up to the cantilevered section on the north side of this bridge has been removed. It is not known if all or part of this bridge is at risk for demolition.
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