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This is a good example of a standard plan truss bridge in Pennsylvania. While it might not currently be rare and significant compared to other bridges in the state, it is worth noting that these bridges are being demolished and the time to pick those that are most feasible to preserve is now, not ten years from now when only a few are left in the whole state. These bridges will become rare if current pro-demolition transportation policies continue to waste taxpayer dollars with the replacement of bridges that could otherwise be rehabilitated. It is also worth noting that this bridge's location in a quaint, small town makes it further worth preserving, since this bridge contributes greatly to the charm of the area.
Information and Findings From Pennsylvania's Historic Bridge InventoryDiscussion of Bridge The 3-span, 214'-long bridge built in 1934 consists of a 150'-long, rivet-connected, Parker thru truss span flanked by two 32'-long T beam spans. It is supported on concrete piers and abutments. The truss is composed of built-up members for the chords and rolled beams for the verticals and diagonals. The cantilevered sidewalks are finished with standard metal railings. The concrete deck with parapets inside of the trusses was placed ca. 1985. The Parker truss design was developed in the 1870s. Rivet-connected examples have been in common use on Pennsylvania roads since 1900. The design with rolled beam diagonals and verticals was a frequently used state standard from the 1920s to the 1940s. This 1934 example has no unusual or noteworthy features, and it is not historically or technologically distinguished. Neither is it significant for its setting or context. Discussion of Surrounding Area The bridge carries a 2 lane state highway with sidewalks over a stream in an area dominated by a mix of late-19th to late-20th century residential and commercial development in Meshoppen borough. At the bridge's southern quadrants are undistinguished 20th-century commercial buildings with replacement siding, windows, and additions. At the northeast quadrant is a late-19th-century vernacular residence that has been converted to a grocery store. At the northwest quadrant is a brick bank building (1929) with replacement doors and windows. The area does not have the cohesiveness or integrity of a potential historic district. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: No |
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