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This is a good example of a standard plan pony truss bridge in Pennsylvania. As such, it is worth preserving from a historical perspective because it represents the trend of standardization that occurred in the first part of the 20th Century, during a time when the truss bridge was still a common structure type to be constructed in the state. The presence of built-up members that include v-lacing and lattice, along with a well-defined arch-shape to the polygonal top chord combine to make this a particularly attractive example of its kind.
Information and Findings From Pennsylvania's Historic Bridge InventoryDiscussion of Bridge The single span, 117'-long Warren pony truss bridge has polygonal top chords. All of the members are built-up sections, with lacing between the angles of the diagonal members. Rolled floorbeams with bottom flange coverplates and stringers support the concrete deck. The deck was replaced in 1986, and concrete safety shape parapets were constructed inside the trusses. The bridge is a late example of a type and design that was used with great frequency since ca. 1900. The bridge has no innovative or distinctive details, and it is not historically or technologically noteworthy. Promoted in the 1910s and 1920s as the Roosevelt Highway, one of many tourist trails in the state, the highway was designated as US 6 in 1928, and named as the Pennsylvania section of the Grand Army of the Republic highway in 1948. US 6 has never been a principal east-west road. It is noted for its scenic vistas and low traffic volumes that has limited post-World War II improvements. The highway itself is not a historic district. Discussion of Surrounding Area The bridge carries a 2 lane state highway, US 6, over a stream in a sparsely developed area with active agriculture and forested areas. The setting does not appear to have historic district potential. Developed beginning in the early 19th century, SR 6 became part of the state highway system in 1911 and was improved to state standards in the 1920s. Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes Information From Skelly and Loy Demolition Mitigation WebsiteThis Warren pony truss bridge has polygonal top chords. The Pennsylvania State Highway Department is attributed with its fabrication circa 1925. It is a single span bridge, 117' long and 25.7' wide. The members are built up sections. There is lacing between the angles of the diagonal members. The concrete deck, a result a deck replacement in 1986, is supported by rolled floorbeams with bottom flange coverplates and stringers. This bridge has been determined not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. |
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