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This is the historic St. Louis (former Grand Trunk Pacific Railway) Bridge over the South Saskatchewan River in the Village of St. Louis, Saskatchewan. The bridge used to carry Highway 2 between St. Louis and the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert No. 461. It was closed when a new bridge opened in 2014. The bridge was built for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (GTPR) in 1915 by the Canadian Bridge Company. Canadian National Railway (CNR) assumed responsibility for the bridge in the 1920s. The bridge is 1,250 feet long with six through truss spans (two 200’ Parker through truss spans, three 250’ Parker through truss spans and one 100’ Pratt through truss span). The unusual, extremely show Pratt truss span, located in the middle of the bridge, was designed for a possible future navigational vertical lift span. The work would have included constructing towers on top of the adjacent Parker truss spans and attaching cables to the Pratt truss span. In 1928, cantilevered roadway decks were added onto the sides of the bridge to allow vehicular traffic. The bridge continued to carry CNR trains until 1983 when the rail line was abandoned. The bridge deck was then modified to carry highway traffic on the former rail bed.
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