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Corunna Bridge

Bridge Street Bridge

Corunna Bridge

Primary Photographer(s): Nathan Holth

Bridge Documented: April 2, 2006

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Facility Carried / Feature Intersected
IN-327 (Bridge Street) Over Railroad (Norfolk Southern)
Corunna: De Kalb County, Indiana: United States
Construction Date and Builder / Engineer
1918 By Builder/Contractor: Unknown
Rehabilitation Date
Main Span Length
56.7 Feet (17.3 Meters)
Structure Length
113.8 Feet (34.7 Meters)
Roadway Width
26 Feet (7.92 Meters)
1 Main Span(s) and 2 Approach Span(s)
Inventory Number

Historic Significance Rating (HSR)
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This bridge no longer exists!

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This historic bridge has been demolished and replaced!

View The Memorandum of Agreement For This Historic Bridge

This bridge gets the unofficial "Most Unique Paint Job" reward. It has the All-American paint job! The top of the top chord has red and white stripes, and the rest of the bridge is blue, with white stars all over. Actually the paint job is a bit of a mystery, since it appears to have been undertaken not long before the bridge was actually replaced. The bridge photo that was used on INDOT's bridge marketing website showed a plain white coat of paint, so one could infer that the USA paint job is a more recent painting. The INDOT photo is shown to the right. The marketing page is no longer extant.

There is another mystery surrounding this bridge. This bridge has been replaced by a new bridge. As part of the development of this project, InDOT was required to market the historic bridge to any interested third parties for relocation and preservation in a new location. The Memorandum of Agreement outlines this process and states that the bridge was to have been marketed for reused and if nobody took the bridge, then it could be demolished. As part of this process the bridge was posted on the INDOT Bridge Marketing website where the bridge was listed as Available. This page was later updated, indicating that the status of the bridge had changed to "Preserved" and a statement on the website read "Preserved - To be relocated by Town of Corunna for use as pedestrian bridge." Some years after the bridge was replaced, a return visit to Corunna found that the bridge was nowhere to be seen in Corunna, which is a tiny town, and hard to hide a bridge in. No information about the final fate of the bridge could be found online. It seems the plan to preserve the bridge fell through and the bridge was presumably demolished.

This bridge is very unlike the railroad overpasses in nearby Noble County. The Corunna Bridge is a very unusual structure. In fact, as you approach the bridge it almost appears like the bridge's trusses are just sitting on the road for decoration. The reason this bridge has this appearance, is because the bottom chord is actually above the deck of the bridge! Usually bottom chords run at the same level or slightly below the deck. An inspection of the truss showed that the truss is indeed functional, however some post-tension structures appear to have been added to the bottom of the vertical members to strengthen them. The cantilevered sidewalks that are on the bridge make it look like this tiny truss bridge is supporting too large of a deck. The fact is however, the cantilevered sidewalks would add little load to the bridge. Finally, the bridge rests on steel bents and there is an unusual detail where a piece of steel runs from the bottom chord at an angle down to the bents.

This bridge was built in 1918. INDOT listed this bridge as a warren truss bridge, but this bridge is so short and only contains four panels, that it could be called a Pratt truss also. The structure has riveted connections. V-lacing is present on the underside of the top chord, and also on diagonals and verticals. The bents for the main span are a trussed design, and also feature v-lacing. The bridge features steel stringer approaches at each end which are approximately 30 feet each, and the main span is approximately 57 feet. The abutments are concrete. The deck is concrete on top of a corrugated steel base.

Information and Findings From DHPA Historic Bridge Survey

Statement of Significance

Full hip Warren pony spans are noteworthy. The size of the lower chord members and the special lower bracing are quite unusual. The undecorated spans appear to retain their original members.

Architectural Description

Sandwiched between I beam approaches, the full hip, one-span Warren pony trusses rest upon metal piers. The riveted trusses extend 57' in four panels. The verticals are manufactured from two pairs of laced angles and the diagonals from a pair of laced angles. Crafted from a pair of channels riveted together with battens, the lower chord is equal in size to the top chord and endposts. The double I floor beams are bolted to the verticals below the lower chord and carry the concrete deck with its 26' roadway. A special brace runs diagonally from the pier to the closest lower panel point.

Bridge Considered Historic By Survey: Yes


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This historic bridge has been demolished. This map is shown for reference purposes only.

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