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This bridge was made infamous on May 23, 2013 when an oversize truck crashed into the overhead bracing of this truss bridge, causing one of the spans to collapse. Although this has resulted in the bridge being used (wrongly) by the media and other organizations as evidence of "crumbling infrastructure" the bridge itself was in good condition and the remaining spans are in good condition. The bridge collapse was simple physics. An oversize truck crashed into the bracing, which in turn damaged the truss causing it to collapse.
Following collapse and cleanup, a temporary Bailey truss was installed by June 19, 2013. By August 23, 2013, a new concrete beam span was built next to the Bailey truss on temporary piers and slid into place, providing a permanent replacement for the collapsed span. The sway bracing and portal bracing was also altered to remove the attractive arched design and make them flat to increase vertical clearance and prevent similar accidents in the future.
From a historic significance standpoint, this bridge is noted for its unusual design. With the exception of the end posts at the far ends of the truss span portion of the bridge, it features truss spans with vertical end posts, which make the bridge look like a continuous truss bridge, even though each span is a simple span. The extreme ends of the truss portion have inclined end posts, however this is only apparent at the south end today, due to the collapse of the northernmost truss span.
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