Uncredited photos on this page taken by: Nathan Holth. Unless stated in a caption, all photos are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. Learn about reuse of our photos.
Plaque at abutment.
Plaques at towers.
PCS Co. Brand
Bethlehem brand.
Views of towers from beside bridge.
Views of towers from on bridge.
Looking up at the towers from on bridge.
Views of individual tower columns.
Overview of the top of the tower.
Details of the top of the tower.
Tower column details.
Looking directly up at tower from sidewalk.
Looking directly up at tower column from sidewalk.
Tower archway over sidewalk.
Details of tower archway over sidewalk.
Tower details below deck as viewed from on bridge.
Concrete foundation for tower.
Tower details below deck as viewed from beside bridge.
Steel tower bearing on concrete foundation.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Steel tower bearing on concrete foundation.
Cable saddle.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Finials as viewed from top of tower.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Looking at tower from concrete tower foundation.
Main cable overview.
Main cable details.
Added piston-like supports to main cable and stiffening truss near center of bridge.
Suspenders hanging from main cable.
Suspender connections to top chord of stiffening truss.
Details of suspender connections to top chord of stiffening truss.
Cable bent details.
Bearing at cable bent.
Stiffening truss as seen from beside bridge.
Stiffening truss as seen from on bridge.
Stiffening truss top chord connections.
Stiffening truss bottom chord connections.
Stiffening truss top chord.
Stiffening truss bottom chord.
Stiffening truss vertical members.
Stiffening truss diagonal members.
End post for stiffening truss.
Floor beam.
Lateral bracing.
Northeastern deck truss spans.
Deck truss span details.
Deck truss top chord connections.
Deck truss bottom chord connections.
Views under deck truss approach spans.
Southwestern approach spans.
Substructure for southwestern approach spans.
Lighting on bridge.
Northeast abutment.
Abutment details.
Railing at abutment.
Lighting at abutment.
ODOT Marker.
Camera on bridge.
Pier details.
Northeast anchorage overview.
Anchorage details.
Main cable where it enters anchorage.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Anchorage interior.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Anchorage interior showing the main cable splaying out.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Anchorage interior showing the actual anchoring of the cables into the anchorage.
Photo Credit: ODOT
Paint used on bridge.