Uncredited photos on this page taken by: Nathan Holth. Unless stated in a caption, all photos are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. Learn about reuse of our photos.
Oblique view from Tamar Bridge, northwest quadrant around bridge.
Views beside bridge from northwest quadrant. Views from Tamar Bridge.
Panoramic north elevation from Tamar Bridge.
Panoramic north elevation from Tamar Bridge. Views at center pier.
Panoramic north elevation at center of western span from Tamar Bridge.
Elevation from southeast quadrant.
Oblique elevation from southeast quadrant.
Views beside bridge from southeast quadrant.
Views beside bridge from northeast quadrant. Tamar Bridge to the right.
Views beside bridge from northeast quadrant.
Panoramic views beside bridge from northeast quadrant.
Distant elevation from southeast quadrant.
Trains on western approach spans.
Train on bridge as seen from Tamar Bridge.
Views beside bridge from southwest quadrant.
Views looking east between the approaches of the Tamar Bridge and the Royal Albert Bridge from Lower Fore Street.
Oblique views from Lower Fore Street, northwest quadrant around bridge.
View on Tamar Bridge showing Royal Albert bridge to the right.
Views beside bridge showing main spans from southwest quadrant.
Panoramic views beside bridge showing main spans from southwest quadrant.
Views of individual spans from southeast quadrant.
East approach elevation from southeast quadrant.
West approach spans as seen from southeast quadrant.
West approach spans north elevation as seen from Tamar Bridge.
West approach spans as seen from Tamar Bridge showing the curved layout.
Partial views of truss web from Tamar Bridge.
Views of center portal from Tamar Bridge.
Looking toward eastern approach from Tamar Bridge.
Looking toward western approach from Tamar Bridge.
Views of individual spans from Tamar Bridge.
Views of individual spans from southwest quadrant.
Views of western approach spans from southwest quadrant.
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